1 minute read
Retailers' Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 22)
RESOLVED, that our Legislative Committee be requested to carefully survey the movement on the part of the National Joint Committee.for the revision of the bankruptcy law and that the Legislative Committee be requested to render to the Board of Directors of this Association at their next regular meeting after January lst, a report and a recommendation for action of our State Board.
RESOLVED, that we render tribute by standing vote in silence in the honor and memory of Mr. A. C. Bowers of Anaheim, recently departed, who had long been with us and rendered throughout the years valuable contribution of'personal service and advice for the benefit of the retail industry in our state, and that our Secretary be instructed to write to the family of our departed friend a letter of condolence.
RESOLVED, that we express to our Secretary, Mr. D. C. Essley, a hearty vote of thanks for the efficient service he has rendered throughout the year and for his ever genial spirit.
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to the Vice Presidents of this Association, Mr. E. T. Robie of the northern district and Mr. Earl Johnson of the southern district, for the untiring efforts which they have contributed in looking after their respective districts, attending direc-