1 minute read
TAIN.GS You Want To Rernember About CEDAB
Cedar u ured for clorct linilg murt havc ccrtain cherectcrirticr to bc 1007o edeptrblc.
Good ccd.r dct l|nh3 m.t hrn r blrL porcatrto ol rcd hsrtwcod. rBrcwa'r Supcr- c.du L bb nqo q nan nd hcrrhroo&
Th. oll cot ot ol fod cadrr nurt bc h|3h r u to hsn cePlctc noth rcPclling qudl' dc. rBwa'r Srocrccdar tr r|||rrut d lt l|/|y'o noth ropdllng dl otaL
Tho gah oa c.drt vood nu.t bc rtrncdrc to bnn ilt rtor bcruty. rlrhllad SuPcrudar llnrd ctetr m wldcly Lrown tor thGtr &cretirc bau$.
WRTTE FOR DETAIIJ tors' meetings and the many group meetings for the advancement of our state program and the good of the industry.
RESOLVED. that the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association express to Mr. Harry A. Lake, its honored and beloved President, our most hearty approval and appreciation of his administration during a period in which great uncertainties and complex problems have prevailed, and that we give him by rising vote, an expression of thanks for his untiring efforts and unselfish devotion in the leadership of the retail lumber industry of California.
Ladies Entertainment
The committee arranged an enjoyable program for the ladies attending the convention. Following luncheon Thursday noon, they spent the afternoon making a trip through one of the large moving picture studios. Friday noon, they enjoyed luncheon at the Ambassador Hotel with a bridge party in the afternoon. The annual banquet was held on Friday evening.
(Continued on Page 26)