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Celotex Co. Have Attractive Exhibit at Retailers' Annual Convention
One of the interesting exhibits at the annual convention of The California Retail Lumbermen's Association held at the Hotel Alexandria on November 3, 4, 5, 1932, was the entire line of products displayed by The Celotex Co. These included their Standard Building Board and Lath; Celotex Tile Board; Celotex Green Label Board, and Celotex Hard Board and Panel Board.
lVholesalers and Jobbers
Dennison Street Wharf - Oakland, Calif. and Northern California Ageno for Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir Lumber
Our Motto: "Promise Less-Do More" Catl ANdover 1077
One counter of the display, as noted in the above illustration, is built of r/a inch Hard Board, while the other counter is made from fu inch Panel Board. All these Celotex products, with the exception of Green Label Board, are manufactured under the exclusive Ferox Process treatment.
An interesting feature of the exhibit was the guessing contest as to how many nails were contained in a small Celotex panel which was displayed on the counter and shown at the right in the illustration. L. K. Leishman, of the Crown City Manufacturing Company, Pasadena, Calif., was the winner of the two dollar cash prize, his guess being 185, while the actual number of nails in the panel was 184 Over 15O took part in the contest.
L. J. Hackett, Los Angeles, West Coast manager of The Celotex Co., and several of their field men were in attendance at the exhibit during the convention.
Joins Assoctatton
Tacoma Lumber Sales Agency, with offices in Tacoma and Los Angeles, has become a member of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.