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"Ghronatcd Z,lne Ghtorldett
Pressune Trea Teid Lumber
Now Trcated and Stockcd at Our Long Bcach Plant for Immediatc Delivcry to Lumber Dealen
Clcan Odorlccs Paintable Termite and Decay Rerirtanr Firc Retardant
Buy (BAXCO" for Servicc lor hrtcning ghr In wood I rtccl rrrh
Don.ildrv out
Sctr to Rubbcr-lilc
6i Ohziaq hmpound
\ Ertil l{ot a putty, not q calklng compound, but a 3cp- VSiq anto, distinct product for ta3toning glass in wood }!F-d;C!l\e stsol 3ash; around rinkr, bath tu63, tilling nail \eY;{ holer, and gsneral patching purpos* insteid of v ordinary putty.
NU.GLAZE doss not dry out. crack or pEel recardless of weather conditions. Sets to rubber-like cons'istencv. May be painted as soon as applied, NATIONAL ADVERTISING in leading magazinea and comploto doaler cooperation makos Nu-GLAZE a profitablq volumo itom for you. Get started now. Write for sample and complete dotails, a a
C0., Ot(U||oitA CtTy, U.tl.
Pmptt Aipncntr lre u rtodc
Exchan3c rnice-*alcr'r utreatod lumbcr fq or Ctmatcd Zhc Chlorld. rtck plur chugc fc trcrtilt. Trcatin3 dcrlc/r m lumbGr-ntll rhlDmGnts to sr &cL d truc|3 btr fm dalc/r yrrd.
Exclurivc Saler Agent in Celifqnie for WE|ST GOAST WOOD PNESDNVING gD. Scattlc, Wach.
J. If. Baxter fE Go.
60l Var 5th St.
I.C'S ANGBLES Phom Mfchisan 6294
33!l Montgoncry tlt SAN FRANCISCO phonc DO-do iE6l