2 minute read
American Hardwood Company Enlarge \(/holesale Department Announce Appointment
Announcement is made in their advertisement on another page of this issue by the American Hardwood Company, 1900 East 15th Street, Los Angeles, of their appointment as wholesale distributors of Insulite products.
The American Hardu'ood Company was founded in 1915 by Edward E. Taenzer, who rvas president of the company until he passed away in l9D. Mr. Taenzer was one of the pioneer hardwood lumber operators in Memphis, Tenn., and other Southern producing centers, and one of the organizers of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, of which he rvas a past president. Since 1929 his two sons, C. R. (Bob) Taenzer, and E. M. (Milt) Taenzer, have carriecl on the
as Distributors of lnsulite
formerly in business for himself, and Earl Hubbard, formerly with Hayward Lumber & Investment Company.
Jim Chase, office salesman and shipping clerk, with his assistant Karl Luke is always ready to give prompt service.
For some time this concern has been an authorized dealer for Parkay Floors, ready finished hardwood floors laid just like linoleum, without nails. This material comes in light and dark Oak, Teak and Walnut.
Bob Taenzer was one of the pioneers in starting a vogue for "character-marked" hardwoods. He led a discussion on this subject at the convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association at Del Monte last lrusiness. Bob is in charge of the hardwood department and I\{ilt has charge of the Sugar and Ponderosa Pine department and other Western woods. i\{ilt Taenzer in referring to the Insulite line said to a representative of this paper: "We see a great fttture for Insulite products on account of the growing demantl for insulation materials. We will carry at all times a well rounded stock of these products for the convenience of clealers." spring, and has done considerable promotion rvork to poptllarize the use of "character-marked" hardwoods.
They carry a large stock of domestic and foreign hardwoods, dowels, Sugar and Ponderosa Pine, Spruce, Western Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Maple and Alder, Incense Cedar. Douglas Fir and hardwood plyrvood and panels.
The wholesale department has been expanded by putting on additional salesmen. The sales staff includes J. W. Smith, George R. Landreth, G. W. Buford, and the company has tecently acquired the services of W. M. (Bill) Wilson.
When the offices were remodeled recently the salesmen's room on the second floor was finished in character-marked tavern Oak as an example of what can be done rvith this grade. Tl.re main office is finished in Philippine, the bookl<ceping office in knotty Pine, and the secretaries' room ir.r rlnartered Oak and plain Oak. The private office of Bolr and Milt is finished in Black Walnut-a beautiful job. This office has a Teak Parkay floor, and sound-deadening insula'-ion is used on the ceiling.
These rooms are at the disposal of any dealer rvho may want to show a prospect a life-size exhibit of the various woods used.
The officers of the American Hardrvoocl Cornpany are C. R. Taenzer, president; Mrs. Rose L. Taenzer, vice-presi<lent. and E. I\{. Taenzer. secretary-treasurer.
Ten Years Ago Today
From November 15, 1928 lssue
Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton, was elected regional vice-president for the Pacific Coast at the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, held in Chicago.
Frank Harris won the low gross prize, the Frank Curran trophy, and Walter Riley won the low net prize, the Roy Stanton trophy, at the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament, held at the Riviera Golf and Country Club, Los Angeles.
At the banquet in the evening Harry V. Hanson presided, and Herman Rosenberg acted as master of ceremonies. Roy Stanton presented the prizes.
San Diego County lumbermi:n held a frolic at Del Mar the evening of November 12. A golf tournament was staged in the afternoon. In the evening, the lumbermen with their wives and invited guests, had dinner at the Hotel Del Mar which rvas followed by dancirrg. The party rvas largely attended.
One of the interesting features of the Fresno County Fair was the artistic log bungalow exhibit of the Valley Lumber Company.
Chas. J. Lund, who was with Lumber Company at San Rafael, chased by the Henry Hess Co., manager by the new owners.