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USG Company Adds New Product to Insulation Line

The United States Gypsum Company has just announced a new asphalt coated sheathing. This new product has Tongue & Groove edges, a heavy non-penetrating asphalt covering, and is approximately 2' x 8' in size. The manufacturer stated that the board has been designed to meet the full requirements of practical builders, dealers, and architects.

The new sheathing is a distinct innovation in the insulation field, and is being welcomed by those who buy it, apply it, and stock it. Reports coming from a district in the middle west where the product v/as tried out prior to general introduction indicate that it will be a very popular material in a short time.

The new 2' x 8' size Tongue & Grove Asphalt Coated Sheathing is easier to apply because it is placed horizontally, the way in which the carpenter is accustomed to apply sheathing. This permits cutting for openings to be made after the sheathing is applied.

A board of this size can be handled by one man, thus reducing the labor and scafiolding cost. Even on a windy day, one man can safely and easily handle these boards on the scaffold.

No headers are required with the new sheathing. The Tongue & Groove assures tight, wind,proof joints. Studs do not have to space exactly l€'on center. There is no mis-nailing because studs are always in sight.

The 2' x 8' size boards tie 7 studs together. The reduction in cutting and fitting needed with sheathing boards of this size considerably increases speecl of application. There is less material wasted than when large sheets must be cut to fit.

Dealers throughout the country have been informed about this new board through the medium of an attractive broadside recently mailed to them. This broadside is available to dealers for mailing to contractors and architects.

1032 Mills Building, San Frarcim, Cal. Phoe SUtter 7520

Another folder, describing pictorially the "Weatherwood Insulated Wall" is available. This folder, a mailing piece designed to be sent by dealers to b,uilders in their vicinity, tells the complete story of better building by means of Weatherwood Insulating S,heathing and Weatherwood Reinforced Insulati.ng Lath.

Just as the new 2' x 8' size Tongue & Groove Asphalt Coated Sheathing is a great improvement in sheathing, so Blendtex is excellent as an interior insulating wall and ceiling covering. This material, available in tile and random plank form, is produced in beautiful shades of gray and tan blended softly into an attractive product.

When Blendtex is used on any of the countless types of installations for which it is ideal, the effect on walls and ceilings is not one of monotony, for no two tiles or planks are exactly the same shade, and a skillful blending is done at the factory when the units are wrapped for shipping.

Blendtex has been on the market for some months and has made long steps forward in the esteem of dealers and builders alike. Sales of the material have been aided by the attractive literature, counter cards and window displays featuring Blendtex.

So as to furnish the dealer rvith a really complete insulation board products line, the United States Gypsum Company has just introduced a new hardboard. This new hardboard has two smooth surfaces, is easily workecl, will take paint well.

As part of the sales campaign norv being carried on by the United States Gypsum Company in behalf of these materials and others in its line, the concern is carrying advertising in many trade magazines, as well as in magazines read by the general public.

Visits Saw Mill

Floyd Elliott, manager of the San Francisco office of Schafer Lumber & Shingle Co., left November 7 for a lveek's 'i'isit to the company's headquarters in Montesano, Wash.


Want To Buy

Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. Information kept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, P. O. Box 155, Los Angeles, Calif.

Seeks Employment

Capable Manager, now employed, seeks employment in larger field.' Age 33, married. Can figure material lists and millwork. Address Box C-729, California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

Very fine Los Angeles suburban yard. Fine living conditions. Real estate $6,000 but could be bought on terms. fmprovements and equipment $L2,250. Inventory $10,000. Also good yard in Nevada. $25,000 but two-thirds cash will handle.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Can take off plans, do detailed office work, estimate, sell or buy, have managed a small yard, full knowledge of F.H.A., likes work, married, age 48, have own car, could invest, at present employed. Address BoxC-727 Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.

Changes Name Of Two Of Its Products

The Celotex Corporation has changed the names of two of its products. What was formerly known as Traffic Board is now called Protection Board, used as protection course for waterproofing membranes, cushioning wood block floors arrd for surfacing cow stalls.

The name of another material, Promenade Traffic Top, a resilient, protective surfacing for recreational roofs, has been shortened to Traffic Top. Both products are made of cane fiber board especially impregnated with bitumens.

Shingle Bureau Issues New Membership List

A new membership list, revised to October 15, 1938, has just been published by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. The number of member mills is substantially. larger than the previous list which was dated June 1, 1938.


National Gypsum Company has moved its Los Angeles r,r'arehouse to larger quarters at733 East 60th Street. E. H. I\{intie is Pacific Coast district sales manager, with headquarters at Los Angeles.

Will Buy Lumber Yard

Want Northern California lumber yard. Trade San Francisco income property. Address Box C-728 California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber And Building Material Salesman Wants Position

Experienced lumber and building material salesman, who can take off plans, estimate' and do detail omce work seeks permanent opening. Married, age 42 and have own car. Willing to move anywhere, and leave remuneration open, to be determined by results. Address Box C-730, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted

California retail lumberman, experienced in accounting and yard management. Good o'n credits and collections. Well posted on F.H.A. Family man. Go anywhere. What have you?

Address H. R. Penney, Cottonwood, Calif.

Position Wanted

Married man wants position as yard clerk or foreman. 15 years' experience in retail lumber business. Well acquainted with all building supplies. Can give the best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-731 California Lumber Merchant.

Announce New Appointments

The directors of the Masonite Corporation at a meeting held in \Mausau, Wis., October 28, elected E. L. Saberson, formerly general sales manager, vice-president in charge of all merchandising. W. G. Stromquist rvas appointecl general sales manager and J. M. Guyer u'as made assistant general sales manager.

Max Cook Visits Southland

Max E. Cook, director of sales promotion for The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently spent a rveek in Southern California calling on the retail lumber trade. He also attended the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermens' Association at Pasaclena, November 3 and 4.


f,ouis Deadrich, Oakland attorney, was guest speaker at the October meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club. I{e spoke on the 25 propositions that appeared on the California November ballot. A vaudeville dog act furnished novel t'ntertainment at the meeting.

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