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When you buy ot "CALIF. PANEL" you know you ore getting the best quolity plywood obtoincrble ot competitive prices.

We qre now stocking "HARBORD SUPER," the weil known wcterproof plywood, in sizes up to 4 It. by 16 {t.

We solicit your inquiries for ony plywood requirement you moy hove in ony quontity whether it be {or stqndqrd specificotions or speciol construction.

95t967 sourE ALAMEDA sTREBf

Tclephncl\ixig cr,57

Ivlailing.'tddrcr.'P. O. Box 95, Arcadc Station I'S ANGELES. CALIFORNIA the Jensen & Schlosser which concern was purrvas appointed general

This issue carries an illustrated article on The llome Builders Store at Carlsbad, Calif. Robt. W. Baird is manager of this progressive lumber and building materials concern.

Community Chest Campaign Under \(/.y

According to a statement from the Los Angeles Community Chest, and which reveals the same condition in their history of the hundreds of Community Chests in the West, any one welfare organization, prior to inauguration of the Chest system of money-raising, paid from fifteen dollars to flfty for every hundred dollars they secured through the solicitation of professional money-raisers. Today, 94 cents ottt of every dollar subscribed to the Los Angeles Chest, goes directly into humanitarian service rendered expertly and dependably by the Chest's 88 member agencies.

This is because all of the 18.000 volunteer workers. the Chest officers and board of directors, serve without compensation. This is true with all California Community Chests. Volunteers who give of their time and pledge their money at the same time.

When the Chest in your community sends out its volunteer workers, give them-your fellow citizens-a gracious reception. Twenty-five years of agency administration financed by Community Chests have proven their dependability and a flexibility that meets new conclitions that may face them.

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