6 minute read
fHE houu illustrated hcre were built lor approximately thc I $me amount ol money. They are ftve-room bungalowr. Thc 1996 houre war built for J1,852t the 1938 hourc lor J4,896-44 dollarr more. For the additional tl+.Oo you receive in todry'r home, electric lighting firtures, gcr rcrvicc rnd shcdec-none of.which werc included in the 1996 hourc.
The hone ol 1938 ir hrger and beftcr daigned enbodying valuer that arc rupcrior to thc 1996 bungalow. Such valuer include built-in plumbing firturcr ol improved derign cnd
Opens Sash And Door Warehouse
Cole Sash & Door Company has opened a wholesale warehouse at L049 East Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles. R. A. (Bob) Cole is manag'er. The firm represents the Monarch Door & Manufacturing Company at Tacoma, in California and Arizona.
Andrew Nelson Hurt
Andrew Nelson, veteran chief inspector of the California Redlvood Association, is in a Eureka hospital recovering from injuries sustained at one of the Redwood mills when a lumber carrier backed over him and broke his arm. Mr. Nelson is 76 years of age.
So waterproof it's tops tor ls4gs....
quality, combination rwing faucet, strndard wiring, modem and norc complete built-in cabinets cnd fittingr, time-terted cnd morc erccting qualitier in materiols throughout to inrure lifetime scrvice, improved uchitecturcl dcrign cnd rtronger rnd better conrtruction due to building code improvenenb, prgcirion lunbcr and inproved building methodr. Thc 1938 homc ir more thrn 307o ahead of the honc ol ten yern ago in ib equipncnt, convenienccr end cll cround rcrviceability. Getting nore houre lor your noncy today ir not !n opinion hcld by the building indurtry bst ir c PROVEN FACT.
Takes On Hardware Account
Lochlin Dernier of Los Angeles is now selling the Easy Overhead Door hardware and calling on the retail lumber trade. He is covering the state, excepting Santa Barbara county and the territory as far north as San Luis Obispo. The Easy Overhead Door is manufactured by CoffeyMurray, Inc., of Los Angeles.
Henry Collins, vice-president of The Celotex Corporation, Chicago, Ill., attended the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Pasadena on November 3-4-5.
(Jnconditionally guaranteed against ply separation at leading jobbers - it & M IT00DtI(lRtflilG c0itpAlty, p0RImiltf, (lREeoil
Believe it or Not! Resnprest plywood is being used for boats-bottoms, sides, decks. C. R. Dillabaugh, Pacific Coast builder, is Resnpresting his entire line. Tell your amateur and professional builders about this modern miracle building material. Remember, there's real pro6t in every panel you sell. I(rite for free samples and free folders.
Roast To A Friend
I have a friend who thinks so fast And so much knowledge has amassed He jumps ahead of every story, Confounds the teller-steals the glory. My friend ! I don't see how you do it, But always, always, you beat me to it. And when at last, my sweating friends Bear me to where the whole thing ends, Could I but raise my head to view it, I hope I'll find you've beat me to it.
-C. L. Wakefield, Dallas, Texas.
Not For Nothing
An American was on a walking tour through Scotland. Snow had fallen in the mountain region he was traversing, and he was well lost in the wilds when he met a Highlander.
"Help me find my wai'," said the American, "I'm lost."
"fs there any reward offered for ye?" asked the canny Scot.
"Not that I know of," replied the American.
"Then ye're still lost," said the Scot.
Seven Deadly Sins
Policies without principles.
Wealth without work.
Pleasure withotrt conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce and industry without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
And then, of course. there was the optician's daughter. Two glasses and she made a spectacle of herself.
Spelled It Wrong
It was a wide-open western mining town where desperadoes were everyday affairs, and a tough-looking hombre in a big hat, a long mustache, a black scowl, and two guns in plain sight, stomped pugnaciously into the office of the local newspaper and demanded of the modest-looking little man working away at the desk:
"Are you the guy that runs this blankety-blank, blankety-blank nervspaper ?"
"I am," said the little fellow, never even looking up.
"Then maybe you're the blankety-blank, blankety-blank coyote that wrote the piece in this paper that said I was a jail-bird, a cattle-thief, and a yellow hound?"
"Sure," said the little fellow. "I'm the guy that wrote it. What of it?"
"Just this." said the wild one, who was taming rapidly and visibly, "I want you to understand that my name isn't W. K. Mudge; it's W. H. Mudge. And byfhs ns:(1 time you write anything about me, you get my name straight. Good day !"
Just as you now play a piece without music and do not think what notes you strike, though once you picked them out by slow and patient toil, so, if you begin with set purpose, you will learn the lau' of kindness in utterance so perfectly that it will be second nature to you and make more music in your heart than all the songs the sweetest voice has ever sung.
-F'rancis E. Willard.
Too Slow
First Old Maid: "What were you screaming about in your sleep last night?"
Her Roommate: "I had a terrible dream. I dreamed a man was chasing me, and chasing me, and chasing meand he never caught me.t'
Housing Project Uses Cedar Shingles Announce Nu-Gl are Glazing Compound
Demonstrating the practicability, utility and economy of stained cedar shingle roofing for large scale housing projects, the Madison Park Development Co. is norv completing its 100Groom development on the shores of beautiful Lake Washington in Seattle, Washington. Roofs for the 19 buildings in the project required a total of 2100 squares of. l€' No. 1 Certigrade Red Cedar shingles stained in four harmonizing colors by the Seattle plant of the Creo-Dipt Co., Inc.
This is believed to be the first big housing project of its type approved by FHA on which Cedar shingles have been used.
Philip Bailey, who handled the shingle sale for CrcoDipt, points out that stained Cedar shingles were chosen for the roofs because of advantages of economy, insulation, appearance and durability. He reports that through the use of stained Cedar shingles a saving of $26,000 was effected in comparison with quotations on other types of roofing.
As a result of FHA approval of the loan and the specification of the Creo.'Dipt Cedar shingles made in Certigrade mills, there is excellent prospect that Cedar will also be specified for roofs on one or more similar large housing projects elsewhere, notably in Sorrthern Califorrria.
Theo. M. Knappen
Theo. M. Knappen, prominent economist for many years associated with the lumber industry as editorial director of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, passed away in Hollywood Hospital. Hollywoocl, California, October 26, at the age of 67. He hacl been in ill health for some time prior to his retirement frorn active participation in associati,on affairs about a year ago. Mr. Knappen was a native of Wisconsin and a graduate of the University of Minnesota. He had a lvide acquaintance not only in the Iumber world, but also in economic and political circles. having been engaged actively in both those fielcls.
Reports Fine Duck Shooting
Bert McKee, general manager of the San l)edro Lurnber Co., Los Angeles, reports that this is one of the best cluck seasons in Southern California for many years. Bert is a fine marksman and last rveek brought home a limit bag of mallards. He is a member of the Wagas Club which has a hunting lodge near Lancaster.
N{acklanburg-Duncan Company, Oklahoma City, manufacturers of Numetal Weather Strip, announce the placing of their Nu-Glaze Glazing Compound before consumers nationally, through national magazines. Nu-Glaze is a separate, distinct product, created for glazing 'ivood and steel sash, filling nail holes and general patching purposes such as around kitchen sinks, bath tubs, filling plaster or cement cracks, boat work, etc., instead of ordinary putty. According to the manufacturers, Nu-Glaze does not dry out, crack or peel, but sets to rubber-like consistency, and may be painted over as soon as applied. It is packed in containers of from 1 pound to 880 pounds. Details and a sarnple n'ill be sent dealers on request to the company.
O. J. Evenson
O. J. Evenson, former San Diego lumberman, passed arvay at his home in Clatskanie, Ore., November 7. He came to the Pacific Coast from Wisconsir-r in 1890, settling in Portland, where he became associated with the Portland Lumber Co.
NIr. livenson was prominent in Pacific Coast lumber circles and was general manager of the Benson Lun.rber Co. at San Diego from 1906'to 1911 when he returned to the Northwest. In 1911, he organized the Benson Timber Co., a large logging enterprise on the Columbia River. He rettrrned to San Diego in l9D and was general manager of the Benson Lumber Co. until 1936. He then moved to Clatskanie to reside.
FIe is survived by four sons, J. C. Evenson, president of .\rnerican Products Lumber Co., and F. F. Evenson, both of San Diego; W. T. and C. R. Evenson of Clatskanie, Ore.
R. H. Mock
Funeral serr,ices for Robert H. Mock were held at the Little Chuch of the Flowers. Glendale. November 3. Mr. Mock was associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years, retiring a few years ago.
He is survived by his wife, Mayme K. Mock; a daughter, Mrs. Alice Ulich; and tu'o sons, Leland E. and Wayne Cl. Nlocl<.