1 minute read
Inspectors are everywhere in our plant. Pieces of flooring that seem flawless to the average eye are rejected as unworthy of the "Everlasting" stamp.
to tell us years ago u'hen rve first began talking these things every issue in these columns. But the practical application of these selling theories are being demonstrated so abundantly norvadays, that it is seldom you 6nd a retail lumberman who isn't willing to admit that that sort of merchandising DOES PAY.
Milady picks up her favorite magazine, every page of rvhich is devoted to making Milady WANT somethingEver think of that ?
She reads of new and 'wondrous things that appeal directly to HER-and to every other HER in the feminine rvorld-and DOWN THEY GO on her shopping list.
Those magazines are giving much space and attention to showing Milady wonderful and enthusing ways and means for improving her HOME. And nine out of every ten of those suggestions, if carried out, mean the use of something that YOU have for sale, Mr. Lumberman.
Do THOSE suggestions go down on Milady's shopping li.5t? NEVER! They go down on her list of REGRETS, because she rvouldn't knorv where to go building shopping to save her life. "There ain't no such animile." in the average town.
The average retail lumberman realizes these facts today, but it is desperately hard to get him to change.
The CONSUMER wants a HOME, and he ofters him