1 minute read
Manufacturen of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar. Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon Distributing Plant . Bay Point.
Feet are going to be on Milady's shopping list.
The most important question you have got to answer is, will YOU put them there, or rvill someone else have to do it?
And quick comes YOUR reply,-"Horv can we afford to open a STORE with store rental and store expense ?"
Heaven keep this laughter from ,our lips !
Every Dago that can rustle up ai twenty dollar bundle of greasy dollar Williams can get a corner on the best street of YOUR town with HIS little shop, yet the HOME BUILDERS of the nation want to knor,v how they are going to get in out of the mud.
Here is For For For And
LIST a revised list of birthstones: the tourist, the Yellorvstone; the Irish, the Blarneystone; the borrowers, the Touchstone; for the most of us, the, Grindstone.