1 minute read
The Proof of the Pudiling
is in-Repeat Orders. Get your trade acquainted with our
and you'll get repeat busineEr aplenty, because you can offer mahogany at a 25/s saving anil mafte a gooil profit besides.
LUMBER; lvants a ROOF and he ofters him SHINGLES: wants a CONVENIENCE, A FUNCTION, A NECESSITY, A COMFORT, A LUXURY-in the shape of finished building IDEAS-and he offers him-WHAT?
The things he asks for? No! My Christian friends!
He offers him LUMBER at so much a thousand feet from which the thing the customer wants might be built provided he adds SERVICE, SKILL, INTELI-IGEI\CE, IDEAS, PLANS, PERSONALITY, INDIVIDUALITY, HONESTY; in ' fact, EVERYTHING OF CONSEQUENCE.
Good Lord, Lumber Friends of Ours, aren't you ever going to tumble to the fact that r.vhat vou offer to furnish them is just one slight shade above NOTHING-as compared with what the consumer WANTS ?
If YOU don't, your customer DOES. Or. if he has grown so used to the feeling and the belief that there is no such thing as BUILDING SERVICE to be had, the SERVICE that he has grown accustomed to in all other lines of business is fast teaching him that there should be service in BUILDING also.
It all works back to the same old question of VIEWPOINT. Are you trying to serve your trade to the limit of YOUR ability and THEIR necessity, or are simply following the old-timey rut and getting in deeper and deeper so that you now can't see over the sides ?
Frisk yourself and see what your present condition of servitude really is.
And consider yourself put squarely on notice that the time is very close at hand when BUILDING STORES