1 minute read
PLASTITE Protects!
/HEREVER construction work requires positive and pumanent V Y resistance to penetration by water, Plastite 'Waterproofed Plas' tic Cement is the safest material known to science. Its waterproof properties are due to special processes of manufacturer and not to the use of so,called waterproofing admixtures.
The leading architects and builders of Southern California are using Plastite in increasing quantity. Pmctically every dealer in building materials sells Plastite and recommends it for particular work.
Plastite is manufactured by the Riverside Portland Cement Com' pany, whose main offices are at 724 South Spring Street, Los Angeles. Correspondence invited.
"Plastite Progress" is on interesting illustrated nonthly magozine which will be f ound valuable to etteryone inter. esteil inbuildirng. ltwill be sent withoutcharge on request.