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Iacotpontcd ua&r thc lrrr of CrllfdDh
J. G Dlorar, Prcr. rnd Tnr.; Phll B. Hrrt VlcoPrcr.; J. E. Mttln' Scv. Publl.h.d th. l3t lnd ltlth of ach month rt rl&r'-2. CENTRAL BoruDrnc" Los AI\|GELES, cAL- TELEPHoNE, -lArdl|.c ,ltrl3
Entorcd ar Scond-clIr mltter SGD.t@bot E, llr\ rt tb. PostoFls rt Lor Angolcr, Cdlforatq undtr Act ol Mercb I' l3ll.
Subrcription Pricc, $2.1X) pcr Year
How Lumber Looks
The wholerale market, all through the rtete, har rho-wn a weakening since the first of November, a gradud decline that will probably hold until after the firrt of lhe v9T' '
Of course the main reason advanced by the mill meq and the retailers, ir the usual "before'inventorytt time.- F^a!h year tees this lel up in buying, by the retail man, and 1926 r€em! to be no exception.
In Southern Catifornia, in the past two weekc' the rail volume has been fairlv steadv. with reports coming in to in' dicate that the inland io*ttr are buying for actual needr, but ttre cargo tonnage haa dropped off.
It has not caused any great flurry in pricer, in fact the wholecalers report that- th1 price levelr established thirty dayr ago have held.
Procperity predictions for the entire state, for-1926, will undoubtedly hare their effect on the lumber rnarkgt' ius! 1! soon as the-retail men do get trheir stocks checked up, their books balanced, and their afiairs squared away for the New Year.
News reportc from a number of Eartern centerr state ttat California travel this winter exceedr 1925 bv e good lWo. They alro have rtated that ticket demandr for Florida will farll SOEr below that of last year.
San Francirco reportr, on tte 29th, ar followr:
DOUGLAS FIR-The Douglar Fir rnarket, cargo and rail, har chown a decline during the part two weeks. A! il expected at thb time of the year owing to the dealerr re' ducing their ctockr for inventory, the indicationr are that buying will not be very heavy until about December 15. At the prerent time the hade ir buying only "fill-in" rtocks.
Martin Ragley, W, P. Weber, and John Sanger Buy California Mills and Timber
There r,vas recently announced in these columns the incorporation of The Quincy Lumber Company of Lake Charles, La., with $1,000,000 capital stock, organized for purchasing milling and timber properties, and operating them.
The new corporation has purchased and taken possession of the two mills and all the timber holdings and contracts
In San Francisco, the rains have held up building opera' tions, and together with strike conditions and the inventory period, the demand har slowed up. ' of The F. S. Murphy Lumber Company. These properties consist of two complete sawmill plants located at Quincy and Sloat, California. The mills are practically identical, and conform very closely to Martin Ragley's idea of efficient milling institutions. They are equipped each with a single band and a rewsaw, together with complete planer, dry kiln, and logging equipment, and they cut about trvo million feet of lumber per mo'nth, each, giving the concern an output of four million a month. They expect to be able to operate ten months in the year, thus having a production of 40,000,000 feet a year.
Some dealerg report that there are considerable rail tran' sits being offered to the trade.
Reporle from the Northwest state ttrat the mills are start' ing to curtail. Several of the large mille have-g-one o-n-a fiv-e day basir, while several others have tahen off their night ahifts. -Some of the dealers here think that this will no doubt hold the market and have a tendency to stimulate prices a little.
REDWOODThe redwood market showr very little change and continuer fairly satisfactory with prices firm. The shingle and shake markets continue good.
CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE-The pine market shows practically no change. The derrrand which EeetrrE to be faiily well distributed continues fair with stocks at the millr about normal for this time of the year.
The last weekly report from the Weet Coast Lumbermen's Asrociation, showr their production at 1O7 million and sales reaching g4million. They rhipped 111 million in the period reported. For nine weekc the report from this group rhowr a cut exceeding eales, and the composite for the 47 weekr of the year, give a difference of but 37 million feet between rales and production. They rold tttat amount more than they cut.
The California Redwood Association report gives ralee of 9'783,OOO and a cut of but 6,633r(XX).
Cargo receiptr, at Lor Angelec Harbor, will rrur e little over I4OTOOO,OOO feet, for November. Building permitr in Lor Angeler will top $8,O0O,000 for the montrh.
The timber holdings covered in the deal include timber
(Continued on Page 61.)