1 minute read
Corvbat Substitutes by Se llin g J ois ts o,nd All Frq,m,ing Materia,l Dried in Moore Dry Kilns
Architectg, builders and dealers are carelully comparing the meritg and durability of various building materiale' It, therofore, behooveE every lumber manufacturer to maintain the very higheet standard of manufacture and give hie customcrg lumber kiln dried to the correct moisture content.
. The following excerpt from a letter, written by a Lincoln, NebrasLa lumberman, shows you how green lumber opens the way for eubstitute materials:
"The architect is loolTing for something suitable to build a decent house with. Right herc in Lincoln there are tnlo houses beng built vith steel joist anil sills, simply because the buililer woulil not use green stocfi. The retailer let it go at thal."
Proper kiln drying not only producec better lumber and framing material, but it also makea poecible better pricea fot yorrr products-read the letter ghown in box at thc left.
There's a Moore Dry Kiln for drying every foreet product, including Fir Common, Fir Cleara, Pondora and Sugar Pinc, Hemlock, Cedar, Rcdwood, Hardwoods, Vcneerc, ctc. We aleo remodel old kilne and bring them up-to-date.