1 minute read
Quit Worrying About Your Competitors
By lach, Dionne
Quit worrying about your competitors.
They are the life of trade.
They are the spice of life.
They are a great coqstructive element in YOUR business.
Without them, you would be a moss-bac'k, your business would never progress or develop, you would never get anywhere.
Without them your trade would be badly served, your business would be a thing of reproach in YOUR town.
You would just be jogging along in a constantly deepe4ing rut.
It is your competitor that keeps you up on your toes, casting about for new ideas, seeking for new service that you may render your trade, searching for ways and means to make your business more efficient.
Ifit were not for competitors this country would be as far behind the times as China. If it were not for YOUR competitors, you would be as far behind as a Chinese merchant. Thank God for your competitor. You SHOULD. So should your customers.
If your competitor is ahead of you, you have something additional to strive for. Don't squeal and make excuses. Look yourself over and see what you can do to catch up with him.
Play the game harder, straighter, and stronger. Go at it with all the brains you have, and with all the brains you hire.
Don't settle down and be a tail-ender, because your competitor may be making it extra hot for you. Show him you qre hot stuff yourself.
Then, when Thanksgiving Day comes 'round, send every one of your competitors a kindly card, saying:
"Thaqk you very much indeed for keeping me alive during the past yey.'
You really should be thankful for your competitor.