1 minute read
Gallfornla needs supplted by lleGorrntck lumber dattyl
Every day McCormick vessels are steaming into California ports with lumber cargoes from tfie heart of Americats finest timber stands.
Calitforniaretailershavedirect access to ouf convenientdistribu. tion yards and can depend upon our complete chain of service for rapid delivery of dimension orders.
Our ovrn geat timber sands, loggrng camps, loggng railroads, our own mills, treating plant, docls, wharves and fleet of vessels have been welded into a com- plete chain operating to giveyou anunusuill service on dependable lumber.
For 24 years the McCormick organization has been building up areputation for goodlumber. You will find it worth while to avail younself of our facilities.
Our nearest rePresentotiye ot sahs ofice will gladly qrote you on straightor mixed cars.