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Hillvsr Deutsch Edwards, lnc.
MEXICO-Box 2:153, Mcxico City' D. F. GREAT BRITATN-suholk Houic. CONTINENTAL EUROPELaurence Pountney Hill, London' E. C. d No. 5 Ruc Grctry, Perir, Frencc
CHICAGO-z23 Reilway Exchangc Bldg.
'Paul Hallingby Presides at Luncheon
Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was chairman at the November lSth meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
He introduced a speaker from the University of Southern California, rvho talked on the building of men. His remarks were very interesting. He said that we should .,measure ourselves by what we CAN do, instead of by what we ARE doing."
The coming Orphans Christmas Party was discussed at length. This affair is to be held on Thursday, December 23rd, at the Elite. Floyd Dernier and his committee are planning to play Santa Claus to 600 children.