1 minute read
Bobbins Flooring Go.
In "Robbinc" Flooring you arc assured of thc vcry 6nest that hag ever been, or evcr will be produced. Our geographical location, the modern rnachinery in our mill, and the t5rpe of men who make our fooring, all go to makc this statement poesiblc. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the beet.
Southcrl Californle:
C. J. LAUGHLIN, |!it Pctrolqm Socurttlcr Bld3., Lor Angclce
Nctf,cm Crlitontr:
GEORGE C. CORNITTUS, Ancrlcrn BraL Bld3., Sea Frrncirco
"Judging from the number of comments, both oral and written, that we have received on the write up that you hid about our yard, there can be no doubi that The California Lumber Merchant is being widely read throughout the state. We heard from Silesmen, Manufacturers and Competitors."
Flansen Lumber Company, Fontana.
Allan Turner To Open Detroit Office
Allan Turner will start in the commission business under his own name, at 72O Euclid West, Detroit, Mich., on December lst, 1926.
Mr. Turner is u'ell known in 'Western Washington, Oregon and California where he spent a good many years in the various branches of the lumber business.
H. q. Clark, Southern California representative of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, left Los Angeles November 21st by automobile, for Tucson, Arizona, whe.e he will meet the company's Sales Manager, L. L. Lewis, who has been calling on the company's Middle West and Southern sales offices and some of their large customers. The two men will cover a portion of Arizona and reach Los Angeles by wJI of the Imperial Valley, the company marketing considerable stock in both territories through their Los Angeles office
.From Los Angeles Mr. Lewiswill go to Bakersfield yrher_e he will meet J. R. Neylan, in chargeof the company's San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley teriitory, and the two men will continue northward to Sacramento, from which point Mr. Lewis will return to Portland.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufrcturcrr of CdifornL Whitc lnd Sugrr PtnG Lunbc! mb rt lfcrenvinc rnd llilt, C.t I5O,O(X),(XX) FGd Anrud Cgclty
B. \f. ADAIIIS, Illrr. Salo Dcpr Firrt Netional B'nL Bldg. - San Fraacirco