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Millwork Institute of California in Third Annual at San Francisco
H. P. Dixon, Los Angeles, Elected President. ' Next Meeting at Sacramento.
About 100 members of the Millwork Institute of California, representing all districts in the state, were in atteTdance aithe Third Annual Convention of the Institute which convened at the Roof Garden, Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco, on Thursday and Friday, November 18 and 19.
The business program of the Convention progressed rapidly and there were many excellent addresses, talks and discussions on matters pertaining to the Millwork industry. Among the subjects discussed were: "Standard Uniform Full Mill Bid," "Manual of Millwork-Section3," "The Fallacy of Price Cutting," "Definitions of Burdens," "Ittdirect Labor Costs," "standardized Accounting," "Credits," "schedule Price Guido" and "Products and Plant Certification."
The officers elected for the ensuing year were: President, H. P. Dixon, Los Angeles; Vice-Presidents' Nat Edwards,
Thursday Morning, November 18th
In opening the Convention, President Harry Gaetjen said:
"It is a pleasure to again welcome you to San Francisco to the Third Annual l\{eeting of the Millwork Institute of California, and I am pleased to see so many present.
"I am glad to say that we have made a gain in membership, but still feel that more effort should be made to have other mills come into our Institute, as we are now past our infant stage and should be on all fours, making real progress.
We hale made great progress in our Standardized Ledger Accounting, our composites, I believe, speak for themselves. T6ose not using this system of book-keeping, should after this meeting avail themselves of the opporttrnity.
"Our Manual is progressing slowly but surely. You now have in your possession two sets, 'Wood' and 'Glass'. The Bulletin service is commencing to bear results.
"You have adopted Standard Trade Practices, but up until recently I have failed to notice any publicity given thereto, but I am.glad to say that we now have it printed and these should be used in accordance with the Bulletin sent you by our Managing Director.
Oakland, and A.W. Bernhauer, Fresno; Treasurer, E' A' Nicholson, Los Angeles, and H. T. Didesch, Los Angeles, Managing Director.
On-Thiusday evening, the annual banquet was held on the Roof Garden at the Whitcomb Hotel with over 100 attending. The entertainment committee provi-ded several excelle-nt musical and dancing numbers. Fred Spencer q1d his comlnittee had charge -of the entertainment, while Emory Nutting and his committee made the arrangements for thL excellent banquet. Jack Hart acted as Toastmaster'
It was a very succissful Conyention and there was much constructive legislation that resulted from the two-day- sessions.J. A. Hart acted as the General Chairman of the Arrangements Committee.
Sacr-amento was selected as the meeting place for the next Convention to be held the last week in March' 1927.
"I also want to call your attention to a Credit Rating Plan. as proposed by our Managing Director, and which I believe iJ in use at the present time in Los Angeles.
"The change we made of
President having our Secretary devote on Page 20)