3 minute read
Current $ocks in millions of fea, kiln dried and correctly housed, eliminate delay on receipt of orders, whatever the items called for. ( With remark. able ease and in minimum time the electric monorail systern of unit handling places one carload, or ten, at the machines. ( Follow in turn, working and loading in smooth running order under the watchful eye of a crew schooled in zustaining the high sandard oF manufacture, held paramount at each Pick. ering operation. ( These are the processes by which our California White and Sugar Pine are produced for you and your trade; each step in working and handling, designed to contribute towards reliable merchandising and the best finished lumber which skill, modern equipment and Gold lvledal timber can tum out. Ready for prompt quotation and shipment, Lap and Bungalow Siding, Wide, Thick and Standard Finish, Mouldings and Lath.
(Continued from Page 18) half of his time to state work has helped and I believe we would be better off if we could arrange to have him devote all his time to the State Institute lvork, because as it is now he has a dual duty to perform which means at times someone of the two is sidetracked.
"If vou have studied our program for this meeting, you have noticed we have tried to give vou topics of interest to all, and lvant you all to take part in our discussions because the object of these meetings is to get the viewpoints of members of different localities, so that they may be tied together in making them an Institute Standard.
In closing, I want to repeat that we are.now three years old, and being a optimist, I lvonder if you feel as I do, that you are being repaid for the noney you have invested in our State Institute.
"I knorv that you expect more than just good times that you have in attending these meetings. I think you expect a financial return for your investment, and that is our aim, so if you will only work for the balance of the year, as you agreed to do at these meetings, I am sure you will secure a financial return.
Thirty-three days were spent in attendance at meetings with local groups during the past year. These conferences weer held at Eureka, San Francisco, Oakland, Stockton, Fresno, Sacramento and San Diego.
Mr. Didesch then read a digest of the Information Bulletin which has been established and distributed in bulletin form since the inception of this service, listed as follolvs:
No. 1. Cost of lialf Circle Head Casings.
No. 2. Sticker Production.
No. B. Tracery Frame Cost.
No. 14. Detail Finish Cost.
No. 15. Cut Up Light Cost.
No. 16. Cost of Moulcling Rectangular Door Panels.
No.23.Kiln Drying Study.
I\o.27. Irregular Head Cost.
No. 28. Turning Costs.
No. 30. Cost of Moulding Door Panels with Irregular Heads.
Information Bulletins falling under classification of "General Statistics":
"As my term of office has again expired, I want to thank you allfor the progress made in our industry and for the co-operation afforded your offrcers in putting forward the Milhvork Institute of California."
The report of the Managing Director rvas made by H. T. Didesch. His report first covered the financial status of the Institute. Referring to the Institute membership, he stated that in 1925, there were I24 members representing 39 cities in the state. 'fhe present membership consists of 130 active members representing 40 cities in the state, with 16 associate members representing 14 states and one Province in Canada.
No. 3. 1924 Statistig5-"Jhs Millwork Dollar." A composite representing 54 members, showing material at 50.9 cents, labor at 20 cents, overhead 21.9 cents and profit 7.2 cents. An average annual turnover on invested capital is given at 2.02.
No. 10. 1925 Statistics-"The Millwork Dollar." A composite of 6O members showing material 49 cents, labor 20.8 cents, overhead23.6 cents, profit 6.6 cents. Annual average turnover on invested capital is given at 1.89.
No. 11. 1925 Statistics-"The Millwork Dollar." Develops that an annual average investment per man employed in the Millwork Industry of the state totaled $3035. Average annual sales per man employed total $5747. This bulletin includes a comparison of the years 1924 and 1925, which
(Continued on Page 22)
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