2 minute read
Supply Company alifornia
use abig fleet of reconstructed Fords for handling their lumber, and they haul, push, and pull the lumber and the empty wagons about the plant with great facility.
There is a battery of 16 Kilns at this plant, with an average capacity of 125,000 feet of kiln dried lumber daily. Six of them are Moore Natural Draft Type, and the others are Northwebt lSlorver Single Fan Type.
There is a big and modern planing mill, a big box factory, and a siding plant. They furnish boxes for the "Sunkist" Orange folks, and therefore do a huge box business.
They have recently completed an enormous new dry lumber shed which they believe to be the largest in California. It is 110 by 6!0 feet, and 5O feet high, storing ten million feet of lumber without crowding.
The entire plant is equipped with a sprinkler system rvhich they believe comes as near making it safe against fire as any mill can possibly be built. The owners consider that next to the cleanness and attractiveness of Susanville, its next most interesting feature is its safety from fire, due to this intricate and highly expensive sprinkler system.
The entire plant covers one hundred acres.
The Fruit Gro'ivers Supply Company own about five billion feet of high grade California white and sugar pine. Their timber is much less difficuit of access and operation than most California Pine timber, the timber in large measure standing onflat ground, with beautiful open forests that you can drive through.
rcr planl, Susonuille their ernplol es that is a lvoncler, with gymnasium, reading rooms, billiard rootns, and a splendid restaurant.
The Administration Buiiding is another attractive twostory affair, r,vith the ofifices belorv, and above the sleeping rooms of a number of the foremen.
The milling plant at Susanville is one of the largest in California. The sarvmill is equipped rvith trvo Allis Chalmers Band Headrigs, two Pony Band l\{ills, made by the Prescott Company, ancl a Resaw. It has an average capacity of 550,000 a day on a double shift operation, but at present is only running days. The head-rigs are driven by shotgun feed, and the pony rigs byelectricity. The sawmill is open, brightly lighted, and of the finest modern type of construction. It rvas built in 1919.
' The 1og pond is a big one, coveLing 26Yz acres, and stores ten million feet of logs.
The yards are immense in size, stocking close to fifty million feet of lumber all the time, and there is 26 miles of yard tracks in and around the yards and plant. They
In their logging operations they have replaced their horses rvith Caterpillars, and they are delighted with the saving that has been effected, and the efficiency that has been secured. They have found that a group of Caterpillars and,23 men get out as many logs as a fleet of horses and 6.3 men, forty men being saved in one camp in the change from (Continued on Page 34)