1 minute read
as follows:
E. B. Birmingham, General Manager.
John Perry, Plant Superintendent.
C. W. Graff, Yard Supt.
Tom Jackson, Logging Supt.
R. R. "Bob" Howie, Office Manager. The organization, from Mr. Birmingham down, is young, active, and enthusiastic, not to say kindly and hospitable to journalistic visitors.
Mr. C. C. Teague is Prebident of the Fruit Growers Sup-
Mr. R. C. Merryman is First Vice President, Mr. J. S. Iidwards, Second Vice President, and Mr. A. E. Barnes is Secretary of the.company.
Mr. E. G. Dezell, at Los Angeles, is General Manager of the entire operations of the company.
The lumber department is capably managed by Mr. F. B. I{utchens, of San Francisco, who holds the position of Marrager Lumber Division.
Mr. B. W. Adams, also of San Francisco, is Sales Manager of the Lumber Division.