1 minute read
Iitidraulig Gannien
I^/HEN Mr. Carl Gerlinger first entertained the v Y idea of building a lumber carrier, he ought something bettet than the old fashioned mechanical chain or screw lifting and binding device. His se. lection fell upon the time-tded and proven hidraulic method.
After years of experiment, tert and usage, the Gerlinger Hydraulic Carrier was perfected. To&y you see the result in this new model H$-low prer. sure hydraulic, double acting, single cylinder machine. fn operation it is as sirong and cnooth as an elevator, as quick and positive ac a fine set of motor car brakes.
Almost entirely eliminating the element of friction fron metal to rnetal transfer of power to the lifting, locking or lowering of load, vibration ir avoidei, wearing parts aie reduced and a velvety cmoothners of action obtained.