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NE of the most ouctanding advantages of the Gerlinger VHydraulic over other carrierg is thir--ohould the carrier break through the dock, by placing four blockr under the shoes, one at each corner, the machine can lift itielf clear of the dock by means of the hydraulic lift. Thir permito a plank being placed over the hole so that the wheel can again be ret down and the machine again be on its way with scarcely any delay.
Model HS is powered with a RED SEAL CONTINENTAL MOTOR that developr !0 horsepower when needed. Fitted with ovetsize steel helical springs which cushion the heaviect loadr, saving dock and machine from undue shocl<s. All mounted on a rugged, heavy armor plate gteel hot riveted and rigidly braced frame-ar rtrong and sturdy as an armY tank.
Distrib*tort fot Otcgor, Wathington, Idaho, Montona axl British Col*mbia
(Continued from Page 30) this system has been in practise for many years, is not experimenting with ideas and he named such large industries as railroads and other large industrial organizations, national associations, Department of Commerce, etc., as using rigid standardized accounting systems.
The progress of the Standardized Accounting work of the Institute is very encouraging, he said, since this system has been in operation for only twoyears. He urged the entire membership to install the Standardized Accounting, saying the more a man knew about his business, the more chance he had of success. He said that he had seen enough of Mr. Niclas''work to knolv that he was following sound principles.
Standardized Accounting is a big aid to the business, he stated; as it keeps him informed on what is happening, lets him know what his financial condition is and isa trustworthy guide.
Friday Afternoon, November 18th
President Gaetjen presiding.
Managing Director H. T. Didesch explained in detail the Composite Statement compiied ftorn 32 member manufacturers, located in all sections of the state and extending over a period from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, 1926. Copies of the composite statement were distributed among the members for their reference. The Account Sheet showed the Sales, Direct Material C_ost, Manufacturing Cost, Office & Selling, Delivering, Total Commercial Burden, Total Investment, Profit on Investment and Gross Profit.
From the Financial Statement, it showed that 12.4/o of the manufacturers made money, 7.8/o lost money, and the turnover of accounts receivable equalled an average of 87 days in sales.
If you are not making over 6/o on your investment, you are not making any money, Mr. Didesch stated. He said