3 minute read
We Make Special Knives and Repair Circular Saws
that turnover on sales should be reduced to at least 4O days, and he suggested that if there are no branch offices in your locality thatthe manufacturers ought to appoint one of their members to act as a clearing house.
Fred Spencer, chairman of the Nominating Committee, placed in nomination the follor,ving names for officers for the ensuing year. A motion to that effect rvas unanimottsly passed.
President H. P. Dixon, Los Angeles.
Vice President Nat Edwards, Oakland.
Vice President A. W. Bernhauer. Fresno.
Treasurer E. A. Nicholson, Los Angeles.
Managing Director H. T. Didesch.
In turning over the gavel to Mr. Dixon, retiring President Harry Gaetjen stated that the Institute can be proud of the success that it has accompiished during the past three years, and asked the members to give their new President the same cooperation and good-will that they gave him during his term of office. He then presented Mr. Dixon to the Convention who presided over the remainder of the afternoon sesslon._
In taking over his new duties, Mr. Dixon paid retiring president Harry Gaetjen a splendid compliment for the progress of the Institute under his leadship and asked the mqmbers for their cooperation and support during the ensurng year.
Managing Director Didesch then led the discussion for the Price Schedules on "Square Head Frames" and "Shaped Head Frames," copies of which were in the hands of the members. Mr. Didesch stated that the schedules are based on cost records and represent the best theiris plus cost knowledge. He said thatthe schedules are cost prices, subject to discount, to make a lair selling price and that every confidence could be placed in the schedules.
(Continued on Page 38)
Klamath Falls District Gets No. 6!
in our modern and up-to-date shop we repair Circular Saws and make special Knives for woodworking shops, in the shortest possible time. We also carry a full stock of self-hardening, High-Speed Steel for shaper knives and cutters.
The Forest Lumber Company of Pine Ridge, Oregon, is a retent purchaser of a HILKE LUMBER PILER.
This makes a total of 6 now in opcration in the Klamath Falls District-6 mills that havc put their vards on a modernized, efliciency basis.
The 'HILKE" will cut costr, time and labor in your yard, too. Let ua look into your yarding situation and advise you.

(Continued from Page 36)
A motion was unanimously passed adopting the Price Schedules with authority given the Managing Director to have the schedules printed.
The "Recommendations in the Managing Director's Report" were then taken up for discussion.
A motion was adopted that the Composite Statement be continued to be sent out quarterly.
A motion recommending the adoption of the Credit Rating Plan by all the local branches was passed.
Standard Practice No. 5 designated "Time Allowance" which 1sxd5'-"J6 insure economic production and a unifolmly high standard of workmanship, the following time allowance is required:
Ordinary softwood house jobs . ... . 14 days Complex or veneered house jobs .... 21 days
The following price schedule for the "Manual of Millwork" was unanimously adopted:-
To contractors-$1.00 per book.
To members-$l.00 per book up to 10 books.
To members-$.7S per book from 10 to 25 books.
To members-$.SO per book for all over 25 books.
A motion was unanimously passed proposing that the "Plan of Product and Plant Certification" be approved by the membership and for further investigation by the Managing Director.
At this time Mr. Gaetjen said that he had a matter he wanted to present to the membership for their consideration. He stated that at the present time the Managing Director was with the Institute on a half time basis. the remainder of histime being looked after by sorne of the manufacturers in Los Angeles. Mr. Gaetjen thought that that time had arrived when the Managing Director should be on full time rvith the Institute and suggcsted they give the matter some thought between now and the next meeting.

E. R. Maule. chairman of the Resolutions Committee presented the-following resolutions, which were unanimotrsly passed by the Institute:
The Millworkers Institute of California owes a clebt to the Past President Harrv Gaetien which words cannot express. His patience, abiiity "nd p.r.on"l sacrifices for otrr general good has endeared him to the millmen. Resolved that we give a rising vote of thanks for the services he rendered in our behalf.
Thatthe Managing Director be instructed to write a letter of thanks to Mr. W. R. Robinson, Mr. B. D. Mattingly and Mr. Robert F. Osborn for appearing before the Institute and presenting papers of such instructive information.
That pur President and I\{anaging Director be instructed to reprisent.our Association in furthering the revising of these anti-trust laws to the end that possible cooperation between competitors be encouraged and broadened in scope, that individuals, businesses, industries, be benefited thereby, and thatthis Associatirrn' in general session endorses the recommendation of our national leaders that the present Corporation Tax be reduced to lo/o'. in place of the present rate of l3%%.
Thatour Managing Director inform Mr. Lumb of the Eastern Millwork Bureau of our interest in the proposal to form a National Association of Millwork Executives for the purpose of considering national problems of the rnilhvork industry and-of our earnest desire to cooperate to the extent of our ability in this movement.
That our Directors and Mattaging Director lre urged to (Continued on Page 40)