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We Make a Leading Specialty of Combination Carloads
(Continue<l from Page 38) continue the practice of having individual members, participating in similar procedure to the interesting cost analysis paper read by N{r. Weyler of the Boyd Mill & Lumber Co. of Santa lJarbara. The future success of our endeavors in our individual business depends as rve realize upon more knorvledge in the best methods of control of our costs and it is with this in mind that this recornmendation is so urgently presented.
Since the presentation of the Bulletin Service as being created by Mr. G. A. Hunter, our techniciatt, so clearly educate certain benefits resulting in the betterment of our business relationship with'architects and contractors, that our membership unanimously endorse this work performed and advocate renewal efforts in the development of this work to completion.
A vote of thanks be extended to Mr. Ralph Button for his earnest efiort in conciliating the varied opinions concerning Full Mill'Bids and thatMr. Button by reason of our expressed appreciation be encouragecl to continrre his efforts to a successful conclrrsion.
That since, in continued individual and collective contact obtained through our meeting together, that rve now realize the real benefits returned to the individual for his cooperation in Association work, that our President and Managing Director prepare an outline of Association activities, for future aspirations and endeavors, and that this outline fully portrqy the ol;jectives sought and since in the opinion ofall Association members that our future prosperity depends on the cooperation of individuals in Association work that each member of the Nlill Institute of California be urged to extend the membership in every locality, and with the extension of our membership in mind, it is recommended our N{anaging Director be instructed to proceed with a continued effort, both in person, by correspondence and members assistance, to bring additional members lvithin our fold.
At the conclusion of 1\Ir. X'faule reading the resolutions, the Resolutions Committee rvere extended a rising vote of thanks.
A resolution extending a vote of thanks to the San Francisco Tourist League for providing the ladies in charge of the registration rvas nnanimously passed.
Sacramento was chosen as the next meeting place, the meeting will be held during the last rveek in March,7927. A letter was read by President Dixon from the City Manager of the City of Sacramento inviting the Institute to hold their next meeting in Sacramento. The Sacramento Chamber of Commerce also endorsed this letter, as did Jo. Shepard in behalf of the three mills of Sacramento. A inotion was unanimously passed that the next meeting be held in Sacramento.
Convention Committees
J. A. HART, General Chairman of Arrangements
Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
Ralph Button, Chairman, Button & Manning, San Francisco
Wm. Holmes, Holmes Planing Mill, San Francisco
H. Levinson, Dean Reversible Window Co., San Francisco
H, Ruprecht, Sudden & Heitman Lumber Co., San Francisco
A Schafer, A. Schafer Co., San Francisco
C. Reinhart, Chairman, Reinhart Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco
M. Casey, Redwood Manufacturing Co., San Francisco
J. H. Chase, S. H. Chase Lumber Co., San Jose
Geo. Kaiser, Lannom Bro,thers, Oakland
J. H. Kruse, J. H. Kruse, San Francisco.
F. W. Martel, Jr., California Mill Co., San Francisco
C. F. Ricker, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland
Emory Nutting, Chairman, Spencer Planing Mill, San Francisco
Hal Atkinson, Atkinson Mill & Mfg. Co., Oakland
W. Goddard, M. I. C.-Alameda County Branch, Oakland lContinued on Page 42)