4 minute read


\et profit(whatyou have left, after tfie shouting dies out)-and sbtis.f ed cuswtners (what you need in your business)-both are to be had when you sell PABCO SHINGLES (Pabco Shingles are to be had in a variety of shapes and styles in nine colors. They never need painting or re,painting-they outlast the old stylewooden shingles and add L00% to the beautyof a home.

Insure ]'{et Profit and Satisfied Customers wiclr Pabco Shingles


(Continued from Page 40)

Frank Portrnaq Portman's planing Mil, San Francisco

J. _G. Kenncdy, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara,Ted Veyhlc, Veyhlc & Collins, San F.raircisco


F19d Sparccr, Eureka Sash, Door & Moulding Mill, San Francisco

Edwards,_Nat, Oakland Oakland ptaning MiU

Erdraan, Il. !" Los Angeles .. Whiting Meald Co.

Farnsworth, J. A. Jr" Los Angelcs Caff. Door Co.

!-auccttc, C. L., Berkelcy . Berkcley Lbr. & Mill Co.

Fisher, A. H., Stockton . Fishcr Bros.

Fraser, C!9m, Al4mcda .. Loop Lbr. & Milling Co.

Gaetjen, III*y W" San Francisco

_Jtta-clmel\ Co., Oakland

E. Blackrnaq Blackman-Anderson MiU & iumUdr Co.. Oakland

Frcd Callisoq Wisnom Lurnber Co., San Mateo

R._-S. Grant, The Californira Door Co., San Francisco

Glasson, W. J., Sa" Dicgo . Glasson planing MiU

Goddard, W., San Francisco M: I. C.

Grant, Robt. S., San Francisco Calif. Door Co.

__Waltcr Watkins, Andcrson Bros. Pl. Mill & Mfs. Co.


Cha-s. Munson, Acme Blaning Mill, San Francisco

Clcm Fraset, Loop Lumbcl & MiU Co., Alameda

J. O'Bricn, Buildcrs' Supply Deoot. San Franci O'Bricn, Depot, Francisco

Wave Tildc4 Tildcn Lumber & MiU Co., Oakland

F. Walpcrt, Hcrrings Mill, fnc., San Francisco Alviq Warderl Warden Brothers, San Fran,



H. W. Gaetjcn, Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco __-_q._\._Edwards, The Oakland Planing Mill Oakland


H. T. Didcsch, Millwork fnstitute of California, Los Angcles

Name and Addrcss REGrsrRATroN Firm

Atkinson, H. M, Oakland ....Atkinson Mill & Mfg. Co.

Banta, Frcd 8., Oakland .....Progrcssive Planing Mi[ Co.

Barbcr, B. B., Oakland..... .Tildcn MiU & Lbr. Co.

Belrnont, R. F., San Francisco :. Portman Planing MiIl lridgeford, !. J., ScSastopool . .Bridgepoit Planing Mill

Bernhauer, A. M., Fresno .. . Frcsno Planing Mitl Co., Inc.

Iturmeister, Otto F, E., San Francisco Haft & Burmoietcr

Burmcistcr, Ottq San Francieco ., Hart & Burmcistcr

Burmeistcr, Sumncr, San Francisco.,... Hart & Burmcistcr

Haley, R. 9., Santa Monica ... Halcy Bros.

Haring,cr, Frank P., Bcrkelcy Bcrkeley Lbr. & iltiU Co.

Hart, J. A., San Francisco Hart Burmeistcr

Hayes, Lcslie W., Sacramento . Chambcr of Comrncrce

Holmcs, Wm., San Francisco Holmce Planing Mill

Hunter, Doo, Los Angcles

M.-I. C.

Jacobs,9"o.C.' Eureka ... Geo. C. Jacobe Co.

Jacoby,!9r.9" San Francisco ..........Yatcs Amcr. Ililachy. Co.

Jordan, F'. L., Los Angelcs .....F. L. Jordan Sish Doir Co.

Kaiscr, Gc9r. W, Oakland Lanhan Broe. Mfg. Co.

Kcnncdy, J.-G, San Francisco ....,..pac.Mfi. Co.

{och!, A. W., Los Angcles

John W. Koeil & Son

!!ocnig,_Cql, San Francisco ... .......... Pacific Mfg. Co.

Krusc, J. E., San Francisco lgYt,_& {" lan Francisco Portrnan Planing MilI

Lcishman, Robt. R., Pittsburg Rcdtpood Mfrs. Co.

Levinson, Homer, San Francisco Dean Reversible Window Co.

Lcvinson, Homer, San Francisco Doan Reversiblc Window Co.

McKcsson, L. R., Los Angelcs pac. -Door & Sash McRaq J. A., Los Angelcs ,. Yates Amer. Machinc Co. Manuels,_ Gus, Rodwood City . Peninsula planing MiIl Martin, J. E., San Francisco "Calif. Lbr. Mcrchant', Maulc, E. R., Los Angcles , Frank Gravcs Sash Door Co. Millet, C. L., Loe Angclcs .. Pac. Door & Sash Co.

Mitchcl, H. H., Alamcda .... Loop Lbr. & Mill Co.

Monson,_Chas., Sa! Francisco .. Aime Planing Mill !!Stp"l, L. A., Burlingamc ..... Nclson & SFarkey Nicholson, Cleo, H,, Los Angeles Pac. Door & Sash C6. Biclaa, R. A., Berkelcy San Francisco Bav Bkkor. Nutting, E. J., San Francisco Spcnccr pla-ning eo. 9iP;"$ !3c\ San Francisco Buildirs Supply Dcllcrs O'Kcefe, Wrn. F.. Stockton .... Roberti&-O'Kceffe Olaon, Oacar, San Francisco .,.. Acme Planing Mill lortman, Itqlk, San Francisco Portman Planin- Mill Rcinhart, C. E., San Francisco ..... Rcinhart Lbr. & pL Mfu Co. Rickcr, C. F., Oakland .....;.... Sunsct Lbr. Co.

!ob-ins_99_Mc^1, Alarncda ...... Loop Lbr. & MiUing

Iloth, _W. J., Oaktand . Std: MiIl & Lbr. CoI Rurnplc,-f. t_"r, !g" Angelcs Rupprccht, H. W., San Francisco . .. Strddcn-Lbr. Co. Roscnbcrg, !,. M.. Los Angeles Hipolito Company Sampson,-W.-A., Los, Angclcs .. .. .. ffipotito Cd. Schafcr, A., San Francisco Schifcrs MiU l!t9p"td, J. H., Sacramcnto .. I'riend & Tery Lbr. Co. !F,tk"y, _R._,Q., Burlingamc .. .. Nelsotr & Sttirkey l-itl! _e. E., _Vcntura . pcoplcs Lbi. Co.

!hqt4p,J. I"qloy, Rivcrside Cicsmcr Mfg. Cd.

Smith, R. R., Fortuna Humboidl tUitting Co.

Sommcrstronr, Hugo, Oakland ,..... ... Clinton-Mill

Speer, C. f., San Francisco .Zenith Mill & Lbr. Co.


.Ftcd R. Johnson. prominent contractor in Ins Angelcs, has built for him- sclf, what is considered the most beautiful Spanish home in Beverly Hills.

To gain such prestige, every detail of his house must be in harmony. For his floors, he turned to the leading lumber dcaler who advised "Pcrfection".

Fro-m pest experience they have found that this well-known brand has a beau- ty. of grain and texture.that takes a s.uperb finish. It_lays beautifully and retarns tnrs Same orrgrnal Deauty cven att€r gen€ratrons ol use.

, F.ortunately, the same brand of oak flooring.that is so highly prized by ourrqers or tne most expensrve homes. rs wrthrn the means of everv home builder. "Pcrfection" costs no more than a number of other brands.There's a size and grade of '?erfection" Brand Oak Floorinc for everv tyoe of structure, new or old. For full information write today.

ARKANSAS OAK FLOORING CO, Pinc Blufr, Ark. O- lDenccr, Fgd,c_1ck S., Eurcka ..Eurcka Sash Door & Moulding Co. Sumrncrs. J. W, Santa Cruz Tildcn, W., Oakland Tildcn Lbr. C.o. Todhuntcr, A. J., Loo Angelcs Harnmond Lbr. Co. Ygy-hlo, Theo., San Erancisco .... Vcyhte & Collins Wdpcrt, Frcd, San Francisco ....., . llarrons Mill Eardon" A., San Francisco ... Wardon Bror. _Y"qpp W-.,_lan Franc!.sco Portman planing Mill Yatkinc,_Waltcr, San Francisco Andcrson Bros. ptanid MiIt Weyler, _I!. E" Sant-a Barbara Bqyd Lbr. & tUiit Co. Wicncr, Harry-, O_aHqrd {oodeon. L. J._. San Francisco .Whccler Oscoo-d Co. Wright, Orrin, Loa Angeles So. Calif. Hardwood & Idfg. Co.


The committee of thirteen men appointed by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover to draw up a mechanics' lien a.c! to serve as a basis for more uniform state legislation on this subject, has mailed out copies ofits first tentative draft to several huqdred trade associations, labor organizations and individuali who have expressed an interesf in the subject.

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