4 minute read
Peninsula Lumbermen Organize Hoo Hoo Club; Initiate Eight Kittens
On Monday evening, November 15, a dinner was held at the Cardinal Hotel, Palo Alto, which..was attended by a good delegation df'the Peninsula lumbermen and several visitors from the Bay District, lr'hen plans were made for the organization of a Hoo-Hoo Club and a Concatenation was held under the supervision of Parson Simpkin.
During the dinner hour there was an excellent entertainment. Paul Merner arranged for the dinner and entep tainment and was the recipient of a "big Nine" for arranging such a fine program. Following the dinner, Parson Simpkin gave an excellent talk on Hoo-Hoo and what the Order was doing for the lumber industry.
The "Kittens" initiated were:
Henry Hoyt, Minton Lumber Co., Mountain View.
Fred J. Miller, Sterling Lumber Co., Mountain View.
Harry G. Trimble, Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
Frank M. Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
E. Hendrickson, Sudden Lumber Co., Redwood City.
E. H. Dean. D& S Lumber Co.. Mountain View.
Joseph A."'Jury, Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
John Wisngm, Wisnom Lumber Co., San Mateo.
J. H. Young, Sterling I-umber Co., Mountain Vierv.
Following the initiation State Counsellor Fred Roth presided and it was voted to organize a club to be known as the Peninsula Hoo-Hoo Club. Elmer Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto, was elected President and Robert Cameron, secretary of the Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, Secretary.
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Southern-HARDWOODLSouthern Oak Flooring and M"pL Flooring l1O9 First National Bank Building Telephone Douglar 9117
Through the courtesy of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., Carl Watts presented the Club with a gavel.
Short talks were made by Frank Trower, Fred Roth, R. A. Hiscox, M. A. Harris, R. A. Grant, Bay District Vicegerent Snark; Garnet Fraser, John Wisnom, Parson Simpkin and J. E. Martin.
The following attended the meeting:
Parson Simpkin, Hoo-Hoo Chaplain.
Frank Trower, Trower Lumber Co., San Francisco.
R. A. Hiscox, Hart-Wood Lbr. Co. of Wash., San Francisco.
Fred Roth, J. H. McCallum, Hoo-Hoo State Counsellor, San Francisco.
Carl Watts, J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Paul Merner, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
Robert Cameron, Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, Palo Alto.
Jack Ellis, Ellis Bros. Lumber Co., Menlo Park.
Arthur Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
Al Morley, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco.
Garnet Fraser, C & A Railroad, San Francisco.
H.A. Cahalan, Cahalan Co., Burlingame.
W.H. Pfafflin, Progress Lumber Co., Redwood City.
Jas. Martin, San Carlos Lumber Co., San Carlos.
Roscoe Price, Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
Bob Grant, California Door Co., San Francisco.
M. A. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco.
M. A. Dorvning, l\Ierner l-umber Co., Palo Alto.
A. L H(X)VER - 706 Shndud Oil Bld& PHONES YAIdL. ||lE TUclc l3
.A. BRO\,yN
California Reprerentative
The Mossman Lumber C,o. and De Soto Hardruood Flooring Co. Memphir, Tenn.
6046 Carlos Avenue - GRanite 3642
Henry A. Hoyt, Minton Lumber Co., Mountain View'
Fred'J. Millei, Sterling Lumler Co., Mountain View'
Harry G. Trimble, Du-dfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto'
Frank M. Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto.

E. Hendrickson, Sudden Lumber Co., Redwood City' i"nn Wis"o*, Wi.no* Lumber Co., San Mateo.
E. H. Dean, D & S Lumber Co., Mountain View.
Toseph A. Iurv. Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
-El-er Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
J. H. Young, Sterling Lumber- Co. -Mountain View' j. n. Martii, "Califoinia Lumber Merchant," San Francisco.
E. P. Ivory with the Chas. Nelson Co.
E. P. Ivory, formerly with the Sugar Pine Sales Co., has been appoinied sales manager of the California Pine Departme-nt of the Chas. NeGon Co. Mr. Ivory will take over his new duties on Novembet 79, with headquarters at the company's San Francisco office.
Since coming to the Pacific Coast, Mr. Ivory .has- spent two vears with-the California White and Sugar- Pine Manufacturers' Association, and about a year with the Sugar Pine Sales Co. With both these organizations, he was connected with their Trade Extension Departments, making frequent extended trips throughout the east where he ha-s an - extremely large acquaintanceship with the Pine trade.
Prior to coming west, he was connected with the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin.' He has also had some wholesali experience in the New York market' Mr. Ivory is a graduale of the Forestry Department of the Syracuse University.
As sales manager of the California Pine Dept. for the Chas. Nelson Col he will handle the distribution of the California White and Sugar Pine of the Yosemite Lumber Co., one of the propertias of the Chas. Nelson Co' The Yosemite Lumbei Co. is located at Merced Falls and cuts about 100 million bd. ft. per annum, 621 per cent of this cut being Sugar Pine. In addition torail shipments, this mill also specializes in the Pine export business.
The Chai. Nelson Co. also operate two large Fir mills in the Northwest and a Redwood mill in Humboldt count-v, together with a large fleet of lumber vessels in the coastwiie, intercoastal and export business.
Southern capital has bought the mills and timber holdings of the F.- S. Murphy Lumber Company, which operatis a mill here and another at Sloat, it became known recently. The deal is understood to have involved about $300,000.
The new company will operate under the narne of the Quincy Lumber- Company. It was organized by W. !. frebei and George lt. fihg of Lake Charles, La., John C. Saner of Dallas, Tex., and M. J. Ragley.
Gray's Habor Sales Corp. Making Weekly Steamer Shipments
The Gray's Harbor Sales Corporation are now running a regular weekly steamer service into the Bay District and are -transporting about a million green cedar shingles a week from their mills in Gray's Harbor into the Bay District market.'fhey manufacture the "Gray's Harbor Erand" and in the California market specialize in 5-Z Stars, 1004/o Clears U. S. Gov't. "8" Grade ind 5X, or U. S. Gov't. .,4,' Grade. Ted Connor, the well krrown Northwest shingle specialist, is the general manager of the Gray's Harbor SaJes Corporation with headquarterl in Hoquiam, Washington.
The Hendrickson-Godard Lumber Co. are the Noithern California representatives for the "Gray's Harbor Brand', shingles, and also sell the Meneffee kiln drv ,,llniversitv Brand" and "Big Tree" redwood brands of s'hingles.
H. M. Schauer, manag.er of the Tracy Lumber Co., Tracy, returning home from a recent business trip to San Francisco, had an automobile accident in the Aftamont Canyon when his machine turned over. His back was iniured ind he has been confined to his bed. Mrs. Schauer and their daughter were with him but escaped uninjured.
At the regular monthly meeting of the Sacramento Val- ley Lumbermen's Club, held at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, November 20, committees were ap- pointed to arrange for the annual Ladies' Day meeting in December.
The annual election of officers will.,also be held at the next meeting.