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Bay District Hoo Hoo Activities
Owing to both of their meeting dates during the month of November falling on holidays, Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day, the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club did not meet during the month. The next regular meeting will be held_ on Thursday, December 9, with Oscar Johnson, Albion Lumber Co., acting as Chairman of the Day.
East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 held a largely attended meeting on November 19 at the Oakland Hotel. M. R. Grant was Chairman of the Day and C. D. LeMaster was announced as the Speaker of the Dav, who was to give a report on the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Kansas City.
Parson Simpkin and State Counsellor Fred Roth have returned from a trip through the White and Sugar Pine District and report that the Order is in excellent condition in the high Sierra country.
Ellis Brothers Buy Yard At Menlo Park
The Ellis Brothers have purchased the Advance Lumber Co. at Menlo Park and will operate this yard under the name of the Ellis Brothers I-umber Co. Tack Ellis.,the popular and well known California luntbeiman, will be manager of this company.
The Ellis Brothers also c.'perate the Palo Alto Lumber Co. at Palo Alto. Interested in these vards are Elmer Ellis. Aithur Ellis,, JatkEllis and Frank bllis. After spending the past few years in I-os Angeles, where he acted as representative for the Santa Fe Lumber Co., his many friends around the Bay are glad to rvelcome Jack Ellis back into the fold again.
Wilson Resigns
Mr. C. R. Wilson, for the past three La Jolla for the Spreckels Commercial signed. yeafs manager at Company, has re-
Lbr. & Dev. Co.
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