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OLD STRUCTURES fall beaten at last in a long fight against time and the elements. New structures rise builded of sterner stuff.
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How Lumber Looks
Dougler Fir Cargo. The miltr feel very optimietic due to the curtailment program now in efrect. One large mailrt facturer operating four millr reporte that production was curtailed iqo a*^s tte montfi of November and they-will continrrc tte :a,me lrogram for the month of December. The opereting program of many other mills will alro rhow a big curtaihnent diring Decernber. The holidayshutdorvnr in many of the millr will begin earlier than ruud thir year. As a result of t\ig curtailment, the mille feel that conditionr will ehow a great improvement after the firct of the year.
Tbe Weet Coartlumbermentr Arcociation report under dete of November 23 ehowr that orderr have exceeded pro' ducion by 7.1per cent and rhipmcntr have been in etrce$ of cutting by 8.9 per cent during the 28 weeks frorn M:y 1 to Noveriber 1O based on the reportr of 103 mqior millr o! tte Douglar 6r region in Waghineton and Oregon. Un rtockr are ZO per cent under thooe reported ar of May 1 for lO3 identical mills.
V€rtical srain fooring and clearr and rlaih grain clearr continue firtn in price. There have been many inquiries for rpccial cutting during the part two weekr, abo there har b-een conriderlble inquiry from the Eart for railroad, yard and indrrtriel material' and rather a large arnorsrt of busi' necr ir being ofiered and placed. The demand for No. 3 common in moct marketr ig g,ood. There t€enra to be no urrplur of boat space for inter-cortal rhipmentr.
Cdifornia wholecderc and retailers report that conditionr show very little change, and the demand is hsht' showing signr of the ulnl rearond let-up. Cargo receiptr at San Pedro for the part two weekr have been light. Pricee remain firrn"
Redrrood. The demand ir about norrnal for tftis rgalon of tbe year with pricee 6rm. The mille are operating on a
P. A. Dame, 'Western Sales Manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., visited San Francisco for the purpose of attending the convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. He also conferred with Harry Officer, sales manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., exclusive representatives for Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles, returning to Los Angeles on November 17.
The S. E. Slade Lumber Company, Los Angeles, representing the E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber Company, Aberdeen, Wash., have how stored at the dock a considerable quantity of Western Red Cedar in common grades. Ed. Houghton, in charge of this department, is all pepped up over the increasing demand developing from the intense exploitation program now under way.
basir of a five-day week with ctocks at the millr about norrnal It ir believed that 1928 will rhow a wider dirtribrr tion of redwood throughout the United Stater and in foreign cormtriee.
Cdifomia Whitb and Sugar Pine. Prices are holding rteady with a fair dernand frorn tlre yardr and the indurtrial aectionr. The demand for factory rtock and No. 2 common boardr continues good. Stockr at the rnillr are report' ed low and with production curtailed, the outlook for a 6rm market is good.
The total rofhrood movement for t[e first 46 weelc of 1928, according to the repott of November 23 of the Na' tional Lrmbcr Manufacturerc Arsocirtion, rhowe: Production, 13,2181264 M feet; Shipmentr, 13'749'131 M feet; Ordcre, 13,759,558 M feet.
The report rhowr for the millr of tfie Wect Coart Lum' bernen'r Arpciation for thir period: Production, 6.0591837 M feet; Shipmcntr, 6,200'136 M feet; Orders, 6'2911353 M feet
For the millr of the Califonria White and Swar Pine Manufacturerr Arrociation, the report rhowr for thir rarne period: Production, lr233r79l M feet; Shipmcots, 11266r' O33 M feet; Gderq 11215,247 M fe€t.
The Southern Pine Auociation milh report for the 6rrt 46 weekr of the year: Production, 311821866 M feet; Shipmentq 3,470.,287 M feet; Orderu, 3'461'173 M feeL
According to the report, there war an increare in the demand for hardwood lumber, orderr for the week rhowins a gain of approxinntely lO per cent over the previoru week. The total hardwooa movement for the first 46 weekr of the year, the report chows: Production, 213231172 M feet; Ship' mentr, 214581073 M feet; Orderr, 2,5061500 M feeL
H. J. Leaf, superintendent of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., has been appointed vice-president of the company, succeeding F. A. Warner, who resigned from that position.
JOHN D. TENNANT VTSTTS SAN FRANCTSCO c. B. Johnson, ror*J- l:"TJ.:?Itntendent or the Bay Point plant of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., and who recently has been in charge of the company's retail yard at that place, died on November 16. Services were held in the Masonic Temple, Concord, November 18.
John D. Tennant, vice-president of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., Longview, Wash., made a special trip to San Francisco for the purpose of attending the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

the doors you sell Here is

A-Edge Strip.
B-Tongue and groove.
C-Double dowelled every 12 inchee.
E-Glue covert lWVo of every ioint.
G-Preged thir direction to inrure bond.
Notice chort block! ioined like a brick wall to dirtribute ctre$et and break up rny tendenciee to warp.