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Hoo Hoo News
Oakland Hoo Hoo to Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Hold Christmas Jinks Arrange for Xmas Party
Decision to hold their Christmas Jinks at the Athens Athletic Club, December 17, was made at the regular meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo held in Oakland, November 13.
President H. S. Morton presided, and Charles Quist, Quist Bros., Hayward, was chairman of the day.
Mr. Quist introduced his father-in-law, H. C. Cutting, who gave an address on the subject of "Stabilizing the Dollar."
Clyde Speer announced that the nerv members: badges will be readv in time for the next'meeting. and it *"s "lso ready time the next'meeting, and it was also :ed that members of the Oakland Lumbermen's So- men's announced cial Club will join in the promotion of the Xmas Jinks. , Entertainment was provided by two young lady singers from station KLX.
Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo Club
The Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo Club met at the Cafe Madrid, San Bernardino; on Wednesday evening, December 21. Parson Simpkin was the speaker of the evening and gave an excellent talk on lumber conditions and Hoo Hoo activities. The Club are planning a Concatenation for the early part of December. Nearly fifty attended the meeting.
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The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club held their. regular luncheon at the Commercial Club on Thursday, November 22. President Harry Hanson presided. Max Landram, chairman of the golf committee, .reported on the recent golf tournament held at the Riveria Country Club. J. E. Martin, vicegerent s4ark of the Los Angeles District, reported that the next dinner and concatenation will be held at the Commercial Club on Monday evening, December 10. Paul A. Harvey, Field Biologist for the Termite Investigation Committee, made a Short talk on the work of their organization. Parson Simpkin and }Iarry A. Gorsuch, Kansas City, were guests of the Club and were called on for a few remarks.
Pres.ident Hanson appointed Cliff Estes chairman of the Christmas Party Committee. Plans are now under way to make this year'S party the Hoo Hoo event of the year.
G. I. Fischer, Manager of the Simmons Saw & Steel Company, Los Angeles, recently returned from a long trip through; the East. . Mr. Fischer visited the factories at Fitchburg, Mass., and Chicago, Ill., and the Simonds steel mills'at Lockport, N. Y. He also attended the National Convention of the American Societv for Steel Treating at Philadelphia, and the Metal Stiow held in connection with this convention.
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