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Millwork Institute Holds at San A. Bernhauer
Arthur W. Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno, was elected president of the Millwork Institute of California, at the fifth annual conference of the Institute held in the Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco, November 22 and 23. J. G. Kennedy, Pacific Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, and A. J. Todhunter, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, were elected vice-presidents, and E. A. Nicholson, Picific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles, was re-elected treasurer.
Fresno was chosen as the next meeting place, the date being set tentatively as March 2I and 22.
The convention approved the Accredited Standards for Architectural Millwork, and after passing on some details of the Certification Plan, announcemenl was made that the plan is now r9a4y to be put into operation. This plan was characterized by incoming president Arthur Bernhauer as one of the most progressive steps ever taken by the Institute.
"We have at least acquired a friendship of the many mill operators throughout the state, which iknow has been an asset to each one of us.
"We have a program for this two-day session, and what we do here and what we take away with us depends very largely upon ourselves. -i
'.Wt aie all here to obtain for ourselves all we can by the exchange of ideas. The measure of our ruccess ani our progress is dependent upon the time and thought devoted to' our common problems, not only today or lomorrow, but throughout the year.
"Business.last year was not procurable in as large a volume as during previous years. In fact, business can be classed as very slow despite the fact that national statistics indicate production ricords.
"As a result of the small volume it naturallv follows that competition is keener, and it has become a-buyers' mar- president Harry .til:H::i{."":ii:Tihe meeting to order end opened the proceedings with his own address which \nas as follows: i9 indeed a pleasure to again welcome you to the Fifth Annual Mee[ing of the M-illwork Instituie of California, and it is a coincidence that on November 22, 1923, our Institute was born. ket because of a lack of co-ordination of the mill industrv.
The convention also approved the increase in the number of directors from 15 to 17, and endorsed the plan put forward by Morgan J. Doyle, attorney for the Sin Fiancisco Branch, for the support of the amCndment of the Mechanic's Lien Law.
The affectionate regard in which the retiring president, H"ryy W. Gaetjen, is held by the members, *as marked at the close of the conven_tion_lf a rising vote of thanks.
'We have now reached our fifth birthday, something that wc can be proud of.
"The question is often asked, what have we accomplish- ed. I think that that can be best answered bv our attendance here today, and probably by comparing-ourselves to students in high school who change part of their program every six months, but finally graduate and have pro-fited by the education gained.
_ "Lut us hope that the action taken by our Federal Traie Conference will overcome some of the wild competition that is so common todav.
"During the -pasi year we have had some disruptiirn lmgng our local -groups, but I am glad to report reoigan, ization of most of them.
"ft-is regrettable that sonie members lose sight of thc fact that organizatio4_is more urgently needed during dull periods. Disruption does not create iny more volurie.
, "At our Los Angeles meeting you adopted a Certification Program; and at this time I want [o thank the various members for the work that they have done, because the committee report will show a lot- of thought and hard work in compiling this data,
"f again want to state that every one is invited to take part in-all our discussions and to offer any thoughts or legislation which is for our mutual interest.
"In closing, as another term of office is about to expire, f want to thank you for the cooperation extended to the Institute and myself."
Managing Director H. T. Didesch followed with his annual report of the activities of the Institute. He said:
My report to this Fifth Annual Meeting of thc Institute can de-