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Re es Blow Pipe MJg.Compeny
"Woodworking Profits And How To Get Them," *1" the subject of a paper by Carle M. Bigelow, M. E., president of Bigelow, Kent, Willard & Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. In the absence of Mr. Willard this was read by E. R. Sturtevant, San Francisco representative of this firm.
Robert Leishman, chairman of the Nominating Committee, in announcing the names of the directors nominated for election, said that the committee recommended that the number of directors be increased from 15 to 17. This recommendation was adopted. The directors elected to serve for the coming year are as follows: J. A. Hart and H. W. Gaetjen, San Francisco; D. N. Edwards and Clem Fraser, Oakland; R. R. Smith, Eureka; C. G. Chipchase, Sacramento; Frank Fisher, Stockton; H. E. Weyhler, to spend an extra 20 days in traveling between now and the time of next meeting, in the interests of organization work.
The managing director also announced that as standatdized or stock built-in-fixture products were not provided for in the Accredited Standards, the directors have authorized him to meet with the fixture men to discuss this matter.
President Gaetjen announced that the next meeting of the Institute will be held at Fresno in March, the date being tentatively set as March 2I and 22. He thanked the directors for the compliment of asking him to be president for another year, and regretted having to decline. He urged building up of local groups, and the full support by local groups of the state organization, and concluded his remarks by asking the same support for the new president as had been given to him. Mr. Bernhauer, he said, is a hard worker, with a 100 per cent attendance record at meetings, and it gave him great pleasure to turn over the gavel to him.
A. W. Bernhauer, the new president, in taking charge of the meeting paid a fine tribute to Mr. Gaetjen for his four years' service to the Institute as its president. The new Certification Plan is one of the most progressive steps ever taken by the Institute, he said, and it will take real work to sell the idea to the rest of the industry.
Morgan J. Doyle, attorney for the Millwork Institute of San Francisco, was the next speaker. His subject was "How Far Does The State Law Permit Us To Go With Association Agreements, And How Can We Correct Present Lien Law Deficiencies?" In the course of his address Mr. Doyle said the millwork industry was too busy competing to reach up and pick a profit from the tree of prosperity.
L. l. Wooilson R. S. Grant
Santa Barbara; T. J. Bridgeford, Sebastapol; A. J. Todhunter, H. C. Treff and R. E. Inmoff, Los Angeles; W. J. Glasson, San Diego; J. W. Shrimp, Riverside; A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno; R. Leishman, Pittsburg, and J. G. Kennedy, Santa Clara.
Friday Afternoon
President Gaetjen presided, and immediately announced the result of the election of officers by the new Board of directors who met at luncheon for this purpose, remarking that the election was by unanimous vote of all the directors.
Mr. Didesch said that the new directors feel that is absolutely necessary to provide him with an assistant so that more of his time may be given to the important work of increasing the state membership, and that he believed the new man will be appointed immediately after the next meeting. He announced that the directors have asked him
"My opinion is that the industry is suffering from volumitis', aggregated by 'coldfeetitis,' brought on by fear of what results might obtain from a little intelligent cooperation," said the speaker, and outlined an allotment plan which could be put into operation in each section of the state, which would enable the millwork man to get a fair profit on his merchandise.
Mr. Doyle suggested that the millwork men get behind the bill which proposes to amend the present mechanics lien law, which he described as "wrong, unjust, and inequitable."
On a motion by J. G. Kennedy, Mr. Doyle's plan for support of the lien law amendment was endorsed unanimously.
The last speaker was A. W. Muir, a member of the executive board of Carpenters and Joiners, who pledged support of his organization for the amendment of the lien law.
A hearty vote of thanks was put on record to the committees of the San Francisco Branch, who had charge of
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This Column of "Wants" and 33Don't Wants" is fon The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.s0 per cotumn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
This Man Will Not Disappoint You
Experienced executive is open for connection with high class lumber firm where integrity and ability vvill be appreciated. Thoroughly familiaiwiih yard -anagement, tiedits, publicity, salesmanship. Large acquaintance with contractors, architects and commercial firms in Los Angeles and vicinity. Will supply addressograph and lists for direct mail advertising if desired. Highest references. Address Box C-230, California Lumber Merchant.
the arrangemetlts for the convention, and for the entertainment and courtesy shown, which have made the conference so thoroughly enjoyed.
_ A rising vote of thanks was given to retiring president Harry Gaetjen, after which the convention adjourned.
The regiatration included the following:
J. C. Grimm, Union MiIl & Lumber Co. ..........Santa Barbara
C. G. Chipchase, Friend & Terry ......Sacramento
H. E. Huntington, HuntinSton Planing Mill ..Santa Rosa
W. P. Holmes, Ilolmes Planing MiU .. .....San Francisco
Charles Monson, Acme Planing Mill ..San Francisco
F. T. Fisher, Fisher Bros. Stockton
E. R. Sturtevant, Bigelow, Kent, Wilhrd & Co. ......San Francisco
Charles Miller, Pacific Door & Sash Co. Los Angeles t. J. Nutting, Herring & Nutting ...San Francisco
J. W. Summers, Wood Brothers Co. .Santa Cruz
W. G. Little, Ifnion Planing MiU ......:. . .. .... .Stockton
T. J. Bridgeford, Bridgeford Planing Mill ... .....Sebastapol
Bill O'Keefe, Roberts & O'Keefe Stockton
Alvin Warden, Warden Bros. Planing Mill ........San Francisco
George W. Wood, Wood Bros. Co. ... .......Santa Cruz
Frank J. Peil, Patten & Davies Lumber Co. ..........Los Angeles
R. R. Smith, Humboldt Milling Co. ... ....Fortuna
J. O'Brien, Builders' Supply Depot. .,.San Francisco
J. H. Kruse, Kruse Planing Mill ..;..!......San Francisco
George T. Gerken, National Mill & Lumber Co. ......San Francisco
George F. Cornwall, The Timberman .... ...Portland, Ore.
Orrie W. Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau.....San Diego
H. J. Didesch, Millwork Institute of California........Los Angeles
R. H. Raphael, So. California Hardwood Co. ..Los Angeles
W. Goddard, Millwork fnstitute ......San Franclsco
J. A. Hart, Hart Lumber & Mill Co. ....San Francisco
B. C, Thompson, The Timberman ..San Francisco
J. G. Kennedy, Pacific Manufacturing Co. . San Francisco
Elmer Anderson, Anderson Bros. Planing Mill San Francisco lames Austin, American Lumberman .Seattle
L, A. Nelson, Nelson & Shirkey ..Burlingame
C. McFarlane, H. S. Thompson Co..... ..San Francisco
W. D. Hall, W. D. Hall Co..... ....El Cajon
L. V. Graham, Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington........Oakland
R. A. Niclas, Pacific Mfs. Co. .......San Francisco
J. M. Van Gundy, Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington....Oakland
A. Downing, Sudden Lumber Co. ... .San Francisco
Scott Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co. .Santa Barbara
R. Crothers, City Door & Sash Co. ...,...San Francisco
F. S. Spencer, Eureka Sash, Door & Mill Co. .......San Francisco
E. G. Erickson, Erickson & Wagner ..San Francisco
R. S. Grant, California Door Co. San Francisco
H. E. Weyhler, Boyd Lumber & MiU Co. ... .Santa Barbara

Experienced lumber comptometer operator wants permanent position with wholesale or retail lumber concern. Will accept temporary work. Can furnish excellent references. Has had bookkeeping experience. Miss M. Wood, 5156 Sixth Avenue, Los Angeles. TelephoneYLrmont 5779.
For Sale
The services of a lumberman with ten years' experience in bcith retail and wholesale in Southern California. A personal interview is desired. Address Box C-229. Califoinia Lumber Merchant.
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