1 minute read
The five and ten thousand dollar liability limits, or even the ten and twenty thousand-that afforded such ample protection a few years ago, are now obsolete.
Traffic congestion in the cities-higher speed limits in the country-have increased threefold the chance of ser-' ious accident !
And a hasty glance at any newspaper will convince even the most skeptical that court awards in personal injury suits are more than keeping pace with the increasing hazards of drivingt
Isn't it logical that you, too, should match your protection to the needs of changing conditions?
Wouldn't it be just plain, good-business judgment on your part to increase your present public liability limits to a degree that would assure you absolute protection against even the most "modern" court verdict?
Think it over !
If you are pinning all your faith on mere fire and theft insurance, neglecting entirely to carry even limited property damage and public liability coverage, then get this protection as quickly as you can--iefore ym have an accident.