1 minute read

Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association

Geo. R. Christie, Gen. Mgr.

E. J. BROCKMANN, Pacific Coart Manager

425 {Jnderwood Bldg. San Francisco, California

Phone Douglar 8054

R. E. WALKER, District Manager

527 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Lor Augelec, California Phone FAber 4l9l


fHrs NoBrE

SugarPine ,whrchis ot:u 6 feet in di. arnetet .and mote than zoo feet high, antedates the dis. covery of Arnaica; the inuention of printing by mov. able types; the

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lnnoucnour this long period, Nature built for perma, nency, and developed a straight grained tree whose fbers :rre strengthened by the bufeting of snow and storm. The heartupod has mellowed wirh the passing summers, and the sap ring has grown ever thinner. It takes five centuries to bring a Sugar Pine tree to full maturity, and the re, sulting-wood is straight of grain, soft of texture, and thorouglrty decay,resistant.

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