4 minute read
Here's a French door thar can't sag or stick -it builds profitable fepeat ordef business
I LauINEX French door can't sag because the joints between stiles and top A rail are double-doweled and bltween stiles and bottom nrLate quadrupledoweled. Longer, thicket and stronger dowels afe used than in ordinary doors -and more of them. Read what this means for your profit.
Scientifrc construction makes Laminex doors trouble-proof
Laminex construction neutralizes the natural tendency of wood to shrink or swell. In a Iaminex door the stiles and cross-rails are built up on a foundation of vertical grained blocks. Any atterirpt 9{ oge block to warP or iwist is immediately neutralized by forces in the opposite direction, exened by adjoining btocks. All-parii of a Laminex door are thoroughly welded together bylaminex cement-which is abs6lut'ely waterpr-oof, and acnrally srrongef than wood.
Trouble-proof service makes satisfied customers
reorder them regularly-proftable repeat order business. Progressive distributors can supply you with Iaminex doois in all popular designs. Ask them about making the famous I-aminex door soaking test that brings hundreds of oeople to voru place of business-or write to us. The suctess'of I-a-i".*' has tempted others to offer veneered doors, outwardly resembling I-aminex doors but lacking the moisture-resistance that only Iaminex wateqproof cement can give. For your own protecdon, insist on doors that bear the yellow replacement guuantee label and the name "L.eurNrx."
Mail the coupon for a copy of our new book on the advantages of Iaminex construcdon.
Customers ate satisfiedwithlaminex French doors and Ldminex Frencb doors are absolutely trouble-proof, buaurc they are extra vtell doweled, vientifualQ constructed, and permanently weldcd zaitb Laminex utaterproof cement.
(Continued from Page 16) pointing out that if this practice became general it would {orce sorne mills and wholesalers to sell direct to contrac- tors. It was decided to refer the matter to the Board of Directors for action.
_ T. P. -lle_ppenstall of the research department of the Long--Bell _ Lumber Co-, Longview, Wa-sh., displayed a portable electrical machine invented bv him fof tie deterrrrination of moisture content of lum-ber. The machine which works fast, created a lot of interest, and Mr. Hep- penstall was thanked for his demonstration.
Shingle Bureau, Seattle, discussed a plan being developed by the--shingle rpanufacturers for the purpose of financing re-roofing jobs on time payments. Undeithis plan dealeri will not be required to endorse the paper. In t6e course of his remarks, Mr. Bevan assured the- convention that the shingle manufacturers will continue their fixed policy of selling through dealers only.
_ I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; J. F. Wright, Porterville, George L. Meissner, Lodi, and Dudley Ch;d- ler, Los Angeles took part in the discussion on thi! subject.
As an outcome of the discussion at the morning session it was unanimously decided to recommend to the tirectors that the association's field men be sent to assist anv local group wishing to organize along some cooperativ. pl"tr.
Saturday Morning tion to be in good shape financially, the cash balance on hand at Oct. 31, 1928 being $97.24 in commercial account and $2,296.L3 in savings account.
President Paul Hallingby presided at the final session. The Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. J. E. Fraser in the absence of I. E. Neighbor. This showed the associa- the T. ighbor.
Paul Overend, the association's field-man for the Northern District read the annual report of the Insurance Service Department.
Mt:. J. E. Fraser stated that the secretary's report this year is incbrporated in the printed record oi the ictivities of the association since its- inception in l9Zl, which has been circulated among the members. The secretary exp.ressed the hope that the wholesalers will also organize in the. near future, and thanked the Building Materi-al Dealers' Association of Los Angeles for theirlooperation.

Dudley Chandler, Building Material Dealers' Associa: tjon-of T, os_Angeles, said they appreciated the help of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in legislative work, and promised further cooperation.
F. Dean Prescot, Fresno, urged the formation of local groups of retail lumbermen throughout the state at points where there are no lumber clubs. This would result -in increase of membership of state association, he said, Mr. Prescott also presented the report of the roofing committee, and told about the improvement in the cement situation in the San Joaquin Valliy.
Nine new directors were elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the three-year period. The full board is made up of 27 directors. The following were elected: San francis_c_o lay District, L. V. Grahari, Chicago Lumber Co._of_Washington, Oakland; Santa Monica Biy District, {. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co., Sawtelle; Oiange Belt District, Ed. Suverkrup, Suverkrup Lumber Co., San Ber-
Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto; Porterville District, Frank Wright, Brey-Wright 'Lumber Co., Porterville; Santa Cruz District, C. H. Griffen, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Llmber-Co., Santa Cruz; Turlock District, Ralph Duncan, Merced Lrgbel Co., Merced; Ventura County bistrict, L. R. Byers, Sun Lumber Co., Ventura.
The Board of Directors held their organization meeting at noon.
Ira E" Brink read the report of the resolutions committee. All of the resolutions were unanimously adopted. These were as follows:
Dealer Distribution
RESOLVED: That the members of the Cdifornia Retail Lumbermen'e Association, in Convention assembled, assert the neceesity and soundness of a clearly defined policy, in the matter of lumber dictribution, as being essential to the future welfare of the industry a! a wholc by the elimination of waste in marketing and distribrition.
And it gcnerally;approves a policy alefined and sct forth as fol- lows:- a. It is unethical for mills and wholesalere to sell lumber, ordinary or treated direct to contractors.
(Continued on Page 20)
We cater to the small yard-----
And the smaller dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and everything for the building trade by car or truck makes it possiblc for the small dealer to give tip-top service to his trade, and yet keep down his investment, his insurance and his overhead.