1 minute read


WNew ElRey "Tri-Tab"

Offers Additional Shingle Sales


The popular new ,,Tri.Tab" asphalt shingle is proving its€lf to be just the right product to ur;rr"'.iaiaiorral sales and profits to the already f amous line of El Rey roo6ng rolls and shinglesIt forms a true hexagon, slightly smaller than th e Standard Hexagon shingle in design' The new ,,Tri-Tab', gives double coverag€ over the entire roof with ZOVo triple coverage. ft is fire resis' tive and .arries under*riters class C label. The small tab ofiers less wind resistance and less chance for curling.

Dealers and roofing contractors will find the "Tri-Tab" especially desirable to sell for small bungalows and other one-story structures" The smaller desig ns will greatly improve the appearance of the building. El Rey .,Tri-Tabs" conform in every way to the high quality standard of El Rey products. our nearest representative will be glad to explain our service, quality and prices.

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