3 minute read
El Rey Products ComPanY
(Continued from Page 18)
It ie uncthical for a retailer to ship lumber into a town rhcrc anoiher dealcr is located, cven though thc material is to be used by a contractor who regularly tradca sith thc dealer making the ehipment.
It ie unethical for a wholesaler or mill to accept ordcrs from retailers for shipment into a town where that dealer has no yard and where another dealer has an investment in lumber rheds and a stock of building materials.
Orders for materials from industrial plants, oil cornpaniee, oil refineries and fruit shippers for use in construction, maintenance, bracirrg and shipping materials, etc., should prop- erly be placed through retailers. Lumber used by induitrill plants for remanufacture and resale might properly be placcd with either wholsaler or retailer.
Orderr from the State, Counties, Muncipalities, Irrigation Districts, Light and, PowerConcerns, properly belong to the locd dealers in the dietrict where the material is to be rhippcd.
J. H. Shepard W. R. Vanilerzuood Elmore Group of Retail Lumbermen
f. Orders for materials_ from the U. S. Government, and Trans- continental Railroads arc open to both wtrotesalei;and i;- r"il31s. Orders from interuiban and local ste;;-;a;i;;i" railroadr properly bclong to the retailerJ in ttre aEil;a sherc thc material is to bc used.
A. Discour.age_tAe ectablishment of new yards in towns and territorics already adequately served by Lxisting yards. Ad_ vocate and recornrnend to anyone desiring -to entir the tumber businers, the prrrchase dt existing viai-rattii" th"i crtablishing new yar-ds.
h. It is uncthicd for wholccatcrs or manufacturers to extend credit -to carr5r retailers who are lnadequat;tt d;ilil-;; properly conduct their business.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That tfiis same dealer dis_ tribution policv _should -b9 obs91v9r4 in the distribnti.n Ji "im"ii, roofing, plaster, Iime, brick and building tile.
WHEREA-S-; Certain -mechanics tien laws enacted. by the sev_ cral states of this union have had a place upon the stite ii"tui" books.for nlpny Jegr-s, having been diafted aira pieservea f* -;i;; protection of materialmen and others as securit5r-for "o"ttiuuti""J made by them in th_e improve:nent of real pr6perty, which lawJ have been interpreted by the State Supreme'Courtiio ii;-"ff;;i tl:at- any radical changc in the statutory lawr on mechanicc licnr ol. the Bevcral statcs would naturally recult in confuaion and uncer- tainty and-would reriously affcct ttie building industry itt ati or thc States, and
- WI{E_REAS; Lumbermcn have alwayc hctd, and do now hold- that an adoqulte licql Law for cach state- is csJirrtial,;d-tlra;-;; attcmpt to maLe uniforrn thc licn laws of all the s6tes would oi ncccrsiiy bc a compromigc meacure, and would ereattv reaucc-Oc protection low afrorded materialmeri and othiri fi ttlUuilAinl ii: dwtry; and, WHER-EAS; Lumbermen hold that the lien laws of ttre several states are vital to the interests of materialmen, subcontracao;a ;d laborers, and_shgu! be maintained in all the statls oi tt ti U"i.rr .ria ^ WIIEREAS; The.-Department of Cornmerce, togetler -itti th; Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, has .prioirriea com--ltteJe to draft a standard state Mechanics Lien Law-ior Dresendti;;-l; pr;GAE;;-i;; and adoption- by the several-states, which draft, afier up.i"as ;i greatly reducc tlrc in the building inupwards three years of preparation and study, has been isjuea in fr;-"ndJ
C. E. Bonestel Earl White
Who Attended Convention
form by the Department of Commerce Committee to the building industry for criticism, which amended draft we therefore cridcisc as destructive to the interestg of materialmen, and hold that the adoptign of the same would be equivalent to in annulment of ttc established lien laws of the states wherever adopted.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; That this Association in coavention assembled, declare that the subiect of Mechanics Lien Laws is a subject peculiarly affected by thi conditions and nature of the industrial life of reach-separat€ Btate, that it is limid by ttrc Constitution and fundamental lawe of the individual states, and iherefore we decl,are it an improper and impractical subject ior consideration ty the United States Government or by the-Commiesionen on U:riform State Laws wit!_any-view of unif-ormity and urge diecontinuance of further consideration by the Depariment of-Commerce and by the Commissioners on Uniform Lien Law for the ceveral states.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That this Association initiate an adequate organization by affiliation with other State materialmen's associations on the subject of Mechaniis Lien Laws with a view o-f vigorously urging and advocating the maintenance oi idequate Mechanics Lien Laws in the State of California.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That this Association retail (Continued on Page 22)