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Monolith Portland Cement Company
13th Floor A. G. Bardett Bldg.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Ptant at Monolith, Calif.
Phone: TRinity 7036
(Continued tuom Page 22) low: Ladies, lst, Mrs. W. H. Enlow, Watsonville; Znd Estelle Carpenter, San Francisco, 3rd, Mrs. M. J. Murphy, Carmel. Gentlemen: lst, Francis E. Boyd, Santi Barbiri; 2^n{, Roy E. Harrington, Los Apgeles; 3rd, O. R. Bowersox, Oakland.
'Thompson its representative; and to the Catifornia Lumber Merchang its editor Jack Dionne, and W. T. Bl,ack its representative; and The American Lumberman, and the Local Press, for their valuable publicity given to our convention, and the personal interest taken to make our convention a guccess.
10. RESOLVED; That this Association mourna the loss sustained by valued members of this Association, of memberg of their families who have passed on to their reward during the past year, .and hereby places on record the high regard in which they were held by our membership, and our appreciation of the service rendered by them to us during their lifetime, and that this resolution be adopted by standing vote.
Secretaries' Luncheon
Local lumber club secretaries were the guests of the Association at luncheon at noon on Friday.
Souvenir Program
Secretary Fraser received many compliments on the an-
Group of Retail Lumbermen Who Attended Convention
Special Resolution
The following special resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors at their organization meeting: Appreciating the vital worth of the work of Luther Burbank in the upbuilding of humanity and desiring to perpetuate the memory and influence of the great plant master
BE IT RESOLVED; That the Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association extend its hearty endoreement, cooperation and support to the LUTHER BURBANK FOUNDATION, INC., in its work of raising the Trust Fund for making trhe Santa Rosa Home of Luther Burbank a Shrine in Perpetuity, and a Museum in which will be arrang€d in form for ready reference the findings, personal materials and writing of our co-citizen whose life and achievements have brought the highest honor to this Club, our State and Nation.
The Banquet
The annual banquet and dance was held on Friday evening in the Colonial Ball Room of the Hotel St. Francis, and was attended by over 300.
Splendid music was provided for dancing, and several singing and dancing numbers were given during the dinner hour.
Joe Cuneo, White Brothers, announced the result of the drawing for the attendance prizes, and presehted these to the lucky winners. The names of the prize winners fol- nual Souvenir Program, compiled under her supervision. This contains a list of the lumber dealers of California, photographs of the officers and directors, and the program of the convention. In addition the book contains special articles on "Cause and Control of Dry Rot in Lumber" by A. C. Horner; "The Evils of Price Cutting", illustrated by a chart; "Preventing Lumber Yard Fire Losses", by Paul E. Overend; "Study In Short Lengths" ; "Termites and the Retail Lumber Dealer", by Prof. S. F. Light, and a list of the cities which have adopted the Uniform Building Code.

Entertainment Features
Hoo Hoo Luncheon
More than 200 attended the soecial convention luncheon of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9, held in the Italian Room of the Hotel St. Francis, at l2:O9 p.m. Friday. This was a very enjoyable affair, entertainment of the highest grade being provided.
John A. Stroud, E. J. Dodge Co., vice-president of the club presided, and introduced J. H. McCallum, prominent San Francisco retailer who welcomed the visitors in behalf of the lumber dealers of San Francisco.
(Continued on Page 28)
fo, the Home Owner fo, the Lumber f)ealer
Redwood profits those who build, for its durability eliminates upkeep, ite grain is even and free from blemishee, is adaptable to any finieh and its cost com'. parable with ordinary softwoode.
Redwood profits the dealer foi it is backed by con' sumer advertising which is broadcasting the Redwood message to thousands of prospects, creating a real de-, mand for this superior wood. A redwood customer" becomee a eatiefied cuetomero and satisfied customers build good will.
Redwood from llammond's bears the stamp of guality for it is manufactured by Hammond mills under exact' ing supervision. Prompt delivery, for well assorted stocke' are alwaYs on hand.