1 minute read
One Price Policy for Roc As Step to Insure Gre ater Pro
HE rule of caveat emptor received its first blow when John Wanamaker, the father of retailing, announced in 1876 the "one price" policy for his large store, the "Grand Depotr" in Philadelphia. Prior to that time, buyers could extract the necessities of life from deders only by means of shrewdness, cajolery, threats and higgling. Retail merchandising was baqed uPon the system of bargaining, difierent prices were charged difrerent buyers; or, different stores sold identicd goods without regard to price uniforrnity.
So drastic was the one-price policy, with goods plainly marked so the public could see, that competitors of John Wanamaker sought legislative action to eliminate what they termed ttunfairtt practices, and illegal competition.
The entire retail structure of American conrmerce, is today based upon the one price policy, as instituted by John Wanamaker and now, for the f,rst time, this system of merchandising is to be inaugurated by the Pioneer Paper Co., Inc., tfuoughout the Pacific Coast.
The Pioneer Paper Company, fnc., will place in the mail on December 15th to all of its distributors and dealers, a Consumer Price List.
This will mark the first step in the new merchandising t'one-price" policy. The resale price of every article in the Pioneer line of prepared felt-base asphdt roofings, shingles and building papers, will be listed . . . with variances only to accommodate freight charges to difierent points. This will place every Pioneer distributor and dealer upon an equd basis in selling Pioneer products to consumers.
Due to control of raw materid suppliea, extensive manufacturing experience and facilities, together with 40 years of continuorrl management by ihe pres.nt owners . . . Pioneer is building into every square of roofirg, extra value in quality of materials and workmanship,
The consumer price list will revolutionize selling practices in the roofing industry, I