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g Industry Announced and More Sales for Dealers
insure more sales and gteater profits to every deder . guarantee the buyer satisfactory merchandise at standardized prices, and eliminate the system of ttbargaining.tt
AII discounts will be computed from the consumer price list. The entire price structule will be an open book. The consumer wiII know the price he must pay; the carload buyer will have a standard discount, and the less than carload buyer a corresponding allowance from list.
AII Pioneer dealer price lists, such as have been issued for the past 25 years, will be discontinued. The old method of dealers quoting varying-prices to the consumer in order to make a sale, and of then complaining because of sacrificed profits, will be eclipsed by the Joho Wanamaker system of "goods plainly marked," and a ttone-price" poli"y to dl buyers.
Upon this basis, all jobbers will be competitive upon an equd basis of price; all carload buyers will be on a par, and all less than carload buyers will pay ih" r"-" price for their merchandise. The consumer price list will give standard discounts for jobber, dealer carload and L. C. L. buyers. It witl bea published catalogue, and strictly adhered to by all retailens of roofing. It will place all consumers of roofing upon an equal basis and eliminate the former unfair practices of charging different prices under difierent circumstances.
Th" pytPose of this change in the price structure is to gain an equdity and fair basis for dl distributors, dealers and in the matter of price. It is believ.d by the Pioneer Paper Company, fnc., that greater confidence will be earned for the roofing industry from the public, the distributor and dealer through this new merchandising practice, and that more sales and greater profits will result, without any increase in the cost of goods to the ultimate consumer.
Vatch for Pioneetts Consumer Price List, an elaborately prepared chart for the guidance of dl distributors, dedees and consumef,s on the complete Pioneer line, at all distributing points. The date of issuance, will be December r5th.