1 minute read
ompanY, Inc.
(Continued f.rom Page 24)
Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles, replied for visiting dealers.
Mr. Stroud then called 6n Parson Simpkin, who he said
-_ The Exhibits
The various exhibits attracted a lot of attention_throug_hneeded no introduction. The Parson lale an inspiring out the three-day convention. These were as follows: H. nine-minute address, in which he pleaded-for real coopera- V. Cowan, fnc., Los .{ngel9s, "Standard Built-In Cabintion and intelligent merchandizing among lumber deilers, ets"; Red River T umber Co.; National Lumber Manugiving concrete-instances showing- the beneficial results of facturers' Association ; California Redwood Association; iuch iction. The Parson received an ovation and a hearty Rod Hendrickson, "Black Bear Coating," and "Pyro Proof
Shingles"; The Paraffine Companies, fnc.; Sisalkraft West-
The chairman then introduced Hugh Barrett Dobbs, ern Corporation; Yosemite Portland Cement Corp. ; Lum"Dobbsie." and "Wee Willie" Hancock of radio station bermen's Mutual Casualty Co.; Bates Valve Bag CorporaKPO. "Dobbsie" proceeded to show jus,t how broadcasting tion; Lumbermen's Service Association; Celotex Co.; was done, and this and the singing of Dixie and Patsy Dreyfuss Press, and C. L. Thompson Co., "Masonite" and Marsh. two Southern beauties. also of KPO, and of Miss "Presdwood."
Group of Lumbermen Who Attended Convention
Mitchell of station KYA made a great hit with the crowd.
Then J. J. Hanlon of the National Institute, Inc., San Francisc6, lemonstrated what can be done by a course,of memory training. He had circulated around during the early pirt of the luncheon asking the names of-a great mln{ of thote present, and an hour later asked all those who had given him their names to raise their hands, when h. iry- irediately named each one'. qiving also the name of his firm. He called more than 100 names.
Ladies' Entertainment
The entertainment provided for the visiting ladies included a bridge luncheon at the Olympic Club at Lakeside, and a sight-sieing trip on Thursday afternoon. This was well atte"nded, tho'se who wished to do so played bridge at the club ,and others took advantage of the sight-seeing trip' The transportation was provided by !h9,San Francisco Convention and Tourist League. On Friday afternoon there was a theatre party for the ladies, which was also well attended.