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FIow Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir. For the week ended Novembcr 15, 3O3 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Auociation, operated at 41.69 per cent of capacity, q3 compared with 45 per cent for the previous week, and with 65 pcr cent during the early part of 1930. In the 2S-week period since the week ended l(lay 24, the indtutry har operated on an average oj 47.39 per cent of cqpacity, which har rerulted in more than one billion feet beins cut from produc- tion. The decrease repreeents about nine weekrt production, at the prerent rate of cutting, for the entire indur$ in the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Warhington and Britirh Cohmrbia.
Mill inventorier have been reduced 6.19 per cent during the past 25 weeks. Continued reduction of producion from now until after the New Year ir anticipated by t[e &sociation which ir expected to decreare inventories further. Stockr are badly broken with popular yard itemr increaringly difficult to obtain.
Production, orders and rhipments at 228 identical millr for the week ended November 15 were reported to the Arsociation ar follows: Production 109,131,518 feet, Ship' mentr 102,408,313 feet, and Orders 106'461'792 feet' Orderr were 2.42 per cent rurder production, and rhipmente were 6.16 per cent under the output.
Details of orders and rhipmentr ar reported by therc 228 mills follows: Orderr-Rail33,(X)4,551 feet; Dome*ic Cargo 49,142,477 feet; Export 15,791,501 fect; Local 8'523,263 feet. Shipments-Rail 34'448,654 fect; Domertic Cargo 45,696,503 feet; Export 13,739,893 feet; Local 8,523,263 feet.
Wholesalers report ttat the demand continuer fair' but prices are unratisfactory. Unrold ctockt on tte public docl$ a.t San Pedro on November 26 totaled 9,254'qX) feet which is the loweet point reached for tbe pest severd monttrrr and it is e*imated that approximately 5O per cent of thir etock is rmdedrable. 52 lumber vegels in the Celifonda eetvice are Laid up. Cargo arrivalr at San Pedro for the wee& ended November 22 totded IO'044'(XX) fect which ir con' sidered very light for this port. It ir reported that reveral
H. Sewall Morton, of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, returned November 22 from a 10-day business trip to the Northwest, where he visited a number of Willamette Valley mills and conferred with T. L. Driscoll, of the firm's Portland office.
of the large Fir millr are .l-iog down on December 1 for the holidays and will not rerrme operationr rmtil efter thc firct of the year, and it ie expected that production at &c Northwert millr e17s1'the holidayr will be lerr than fq1 wrrny yearr.
The Califomia White and $rgar Pine Murf,actrncn Ar sociation for the week endcd Novenbcr 15 rcpctcd ptu' duction fuom 24 millr ar 12,75O,(X)O fccr, ShbEGd f6'674,(XX) feet and Ordcnr 15,536rqn fGGt Fc 6c rccl ended November 15, thc Cdifdtrir Redrcod Arocirli<tn reported production fron 11 nilb er 5r110'qn fc.i' $iF mentr 3,647,(X)O fcct end ordclrr 4,O56'mO ft.L h thG Californh market there har bcen rore improvcmcot in 6c denend for Pine and Redwood, and pricce erc fru. {r*g*******tr*
New buri-eg recorded at 859 teading hardwood and roftwood lumber nilh fq6 the reck ended Novembe 15 wer 5 pcr ccnt rmdcr the producli,on et thcre mill+ accordbs to reportr to the Nationat Lrmber Mandectrrcrr Arocietim. Shipneatr bore the nme r&tirn to producrbn' thich totaled 224,987,ffi fert,-
The currcnt reletionrhip of fiipncob and ordcrr to pru duction for the 6rrt 46 we& oi 1930, er rcporbd by 6c regiond arsocir*i,onr to tte Nationrl L@bcr Mudactrcn A*ociation, followr:
Wed Coart Lrmbermeo'r Arrociatioehoduction 6r 612,731 M fect; Shipmeotr 6,363,477 Mfcct; Orden 6'' 367,897 Mfect
California White and Srger Pinc Manrf,actrnerr Asro' ciatio*-Production 862,393 M fcet; Shipnentr 896'460 tr; feet; Ordenr 883,535 M fecl
Cdifornia Redwood ArodrtioeProduction 306'209 M feet; Shipmcotr 2EO,2tl4 M fcct; Orrdcn 2tl'515 M fGGt
South€nr Pine Asociatftn-Productin 2'48qd28 M feet; Shipmentr 2r346,3E9 M fcct; Ordenr a305't3:f Dl fect.
Totat llardwoodr-Production l'726'583M ftct; SLip' mente 1,528,650 M feet; Orderr \tn2,6g M ftct.
Earl Hoffman On Northwest Trip
Earl Hofiman, Los Angeles wholesaler, is on a trip to the Northwest visiting the mills. He will return to Los Angeles about the middle of December. While in the Northwest he will visit the Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett and British Columbia districts.