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Hoo Hoo Club No.9
Samuel H. Day, Commercial Attache, U. S. Department of Commerce, Johannesburg, South Africa, was the speaker of the day at the regular monthly luncheon meeting of San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Commercial Club, San Francisco, November 20.
Mr. Day, who rvas introduced by Floyd Elliot, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., briefly reviewed general ,conditions in South Africa, which produces more than half of the world output of gold and 90 per ,cent of all the diamonds, and is now becoming an important producer of copper.
In speaking of the possibilities for increasing the sale of Pacific Coast woods in that country, he said the best suggestion he could offer was that the Pacific Coast manufacturers should maintain a representative in South Africa. No softwood is.grown in the country, he said. The mines are large buyers of timbers, and the government owned railroads are also large buyers of lumber. There is a good possibility of in,creasing sales of high grade Pacific Coast woods for house construction, and on account of the steady increase of fruit exporting, the wooden box trade is increasing. The immediate outlook is not good due to the depression but from a long range standpoint the country has great potentialities.
Vicegerent Snark Bert Bryan came over from Oakland to attend the meeting.
Leland S. Horne, Wisnon I-umber Co., Burlingame, rvas the lucky winner of the two Big Game tickets given away as an attendance prize.
President Jim Farley presided and expressed his gratification at the large attendance.
Tuesday, December 23, was the date set for the children's Christmas party.