1 minute read
Modernizing On The Installment Plan
Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 26.-The Norfolk Lumber Co., with headquarters in Stoughton, Mass., is putting across a headliner in modernizing programs in its home town and in Bridgervater and Canton.
This concern offers the public an opportunity to finance the modernizing of. homes on a basis as low as "$10.00 a month-no down payment necessary." It sends a representative to call on a prospect, make suggestions, outline plans, and give complete costs. It furnishes "Certified Material"-bonded and guaranteed. It has developed the interest of building and loan associations in wiping out original mortgages, partly paid, and in re-financing the project to include the modernization work.
In outlining the plan to a National Lumber Manufacturers' Association representative, Charles Dodge of the Norfolk Lumber Co., submitted a sample folder of those used by his company. This provides a modernizing sketch as a sequel to an existing photograph of the premises, and an additional small floor plan of rearrangement, showing the changes and alterations. On this plan he bases the cost of the total project. A "Modernization Census" takes care of all conceivable items from a reshingled roof to an ironing board/ from a complete addition to shrubs for the garden; from/new paint to a medicine cabinet for the bath roomall [inds of floors, all sorts of roofs, all styles of houses and allmethods of financing.