2 minute read
Dernier's Service Bureau
tPrxr n'rrsrro'
Makes no difference where you roamThere's no other place in this world Like home, home, sweet, sweet home.
When.w,e reflect upon the simplicity of this song, we are r€ady'to ask-what are the charms that lie concealed in it ? That bring tears to the weery'and homeless, and touch the hearts of the poor and rich alike ?
The magical word "Home". associated with the strains of music invariably weaken the boldest and mostdaringcriminals. Home-thatnametouchesevery fiber of the scul and strikes every cord of the human heart with its angelic fingers. Nothing but death can break its spell. What tender associations are linketl with home! What pleasing images and deep emotions it awakens! It calls up the fondest memories of life and opens in our nature the purest, deepast, richest flow of consecrated thought and feeliirg.
Home_is the magic circle within-which the ^weary spirit finds refuge; it is the sacred spot to which the care-worn heart retreats to find rest from the_toils and inquietudes of life; Ask the lone wanderer as he plods.his tedious w_ay, bent with the.weight of age, and white with the frost of years, asL fr-im what trome is. IIe will tell-you, "I-t is a green spot in memory; an oasis in the desert; a centerlboui which the fondJ iec- .ol.lections-ofagrief-oppressedheartcling-withallthetenacityofyorrth'sfirstlole," Itwasonceaglorious a lrappy first love. It was once a glorious,'a:F:ippy, reality, but now it rests only as an image oi th-e mind.
Home has an influence which is stronger than death. It is law to our hearts, and binds us with a soell which neithcr.time nor. chang.e can break; the darkest villainies which have disgraced humanity cannot n'eutralize it. Ask the little child what home is. You will find that to him it is the world-he knows no ottrei. The father's love, the mother's snrile, the sister's embrace, the brother's welcome, throw abouthis homia heavenly halo, and.nrake it as-attractive to him as the home of the angels. Home is the spot where childhood pours out.lll its complaints and sorrows, and home is the ptace ihere these are soothid and banished by the sweet lullaby of a fond mother.
-.C-an1'gu,whoarenot,p-roud.possessorsofyourownhome,readthiswithout vowing to start today realizing thc greatest of all happiness-Home Ownership ? And those of you who have h6mes of your owir rvill rvant to rnake some imProvements to beautify and make more dear th_at place that means .d much to eaclr and evcry one of us-H O IvI E I
Plu No. 1656
Ark *ct s. rE t.rrrtiq f,l.r ! colNkt .o h om of tk mt .(Hcttv.r onrcrt.rt. Frrhd .rd pFLt $F.h h dG i!::-" _..*d- t. h t. a.D rr, horF rh.t .utrd hdp bu. ryt ao thd. vho RI dtrhcrtvENr lrtql.xfl .d ..6r ..r(r b ddt.! .d h.@ ft duh rI tu br. ndcrr d. ruh .!d olymti.||6 t n?rena. I hom rhra $torc solu b fhd to c.tl th.h vciy us.. n. Gieh ch.rndton b or {rm sht6 m, b .ritH ow Ddcr, dk. wd o. trrut bt[: tsn o, th tut I d,rd $trn ttk. bblc *hi oDFIk,r n.r.rt.l, _A...EtoI dudy oa rh. nxrtr .F.rr6ma d[ mq dF(. .6 hfth |tur Fdbrt dtrLt,n |d N I rtqlr{ F;{,, du or rwlra |@h .rd dE to rht. hon!. I dt*ilniltvr rb.--.4., dhhut tlao|futh. Fr.niltrs thL horm, pt.ni. ?t.4 *llt h ahtr rtv.tr br .ddFrha.rhc [onF b!t(h,r d!;r. tllE FoLLowlNG oRcANlzATloNs, PUaLlc'sPlRtrED FIRMs AND lNDlvtDAllLs ARE INTERESTED INtrELptNo ro 1rAKE...........,...,........
......,4 clrY oF,[oRE BEAUrlFUL.tr-o_I_EtatD,Ig 49!rsr rN EvERy.p_ossrs_r--e rriiy rN-li=iiiuii-n'rines FoR TncsE wno aRE DEslRous oF llaKlN(l.-.-.................-.tIElR _FUT,URE !omE, AND rr rs rH-ErR REco,nniiriiiriioii iiiii'iuu wno crN posstBLy Do so. aulLD tloilEs oRcoNvERT TirEtR suRPLUs ttoNev rrro uome _aurlojryc cnixxEii-fnii'iciir urv rAKE FULL ADvAN.
TAoE oF TllE lNFoRmArloN THESE PAcEs coNTAlN, TlrEy nAva RE.IATNED_ Tne sen-vlCeS iii'cb-nperelrr niilre oEsrcr,iiii wtlo wlLL GLADLY ADvlsE wlrH you aND otvE vALUABLE AssrsrANce ln plrnxixrivb-u-i nriw irituE looieii riil-licU,C
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