1 minute read
A$e not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O Years-Some leEs
Depression DoPe
Biisiness depression stories are, of course' the order of the day. llere are a couple of good "shorties" that have been going the rounds and getting lots of play' ': rr11l* iJ your business?" asked the visitor of the Jewish drv goods merchant.
'iiterrible", was the reply. "Even the folks that don't
Pickering Executives Visit Coast
George R. Hicks, president, and L. V' Graham, general sales *anager of the Pickering Lumber'Co', Kansas City' Mo., returned recently to their Kansas City headquarters from spending a week in California, rvhere they visited the co-pany's salvmills at Tuolomne and Standard, and the San Francisco office.
intend to pay won't buY nothiag".
And thetr there is ttie onc about tbe Ncw Yorlcr wto was traveling in the \lfest, and who was aslc4 'Hov ir busincss in Nes York?"
"In New York City", hc rcplid'moncy is !o lcarcc tbc pickpockcts arc taking I.O.If.'s."
Earl Bowe Returns From San Francisco
Earl Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers Association' Los Angeles, has returned from a short trip to San Fralcisco where he attended the annual convention of the Millwork Institute of california. He immediately left for the Imperial Valley where he spent a few days on Association business.