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It's Up to LocalCommunities to Care forTheirUnemployed
The ftont pager aod editorid columnr of newrpelrn ald megezincr todey are &vccd chicf,y to reyr rnd mcenr of creeting employment for dormant labor and dl ere unanimour in thcir recomnca&tioor thrt thc quiclctt, nrcrt eld bc* way to .ccomplich thb and develop conrervative oudeo for llfe invcrtneatr L thrcugh loc.t Boitding end Rcooddiry C.DFil!..
Many reasonc are advanced ar to why ruch e rnovemclt would bc ptoductivc 6f 6r'iorrr ranrhl
Building materiaft of all tindr .re more reeronebly priccd thrn rt eny timc during t$c plrt trclvc ycerr.
Competent labor, willi-g to put their very belt cfortr into conrtruction worl, ir eveilablc .t Einirnuo coc, and vith the lending companier ivaiting to coolr!.tc with .ll legitimete projectt nrrcly thc ptc-lt ir ea olrpoctnr tinc to build and rcpeir.
It ir pointed out thet jurt to bring our oldet hoe and building up to modcrn &y lt.n&idt of ettnctivencl ead con. r.eniencer would reprerent . g6eater invertrnent and mote metctielr lnd lebor then wc hrve utilizcd in lcr conrrruction during the paat twenty-fve Yearr.
Every community ir elso in nced of ner concructioaq both hooer end comnctciel. Meoy brriU.rt hrvc duiag the past two ye.rr defetred rterting improvcmentr veiti-g fot pticer to go lowct. In rhi. coDmion co.tyoo. ;ho b in Po.ido to Lnow, tealizet fully that the bottom her bcen rerchcd rnd that rcteilen' dcpLtd rtocb nort bc rcpleod li6 ocirb rt higher pricer. Thc prcegnt thco ir the noct opportune timc to build end thorc rho do not trlc .&.!t 3: of prar coodftiF. will be penalized 15 to 2@/o in edded cocr.
Theee fac6 dould be called to the public'r rttcntiotr, togeaher rith ptecticd rusgrttioat oo rhc rad hory to build rcoodcl and modernize, etc., end thir can bet be accomplirhed under tte following plro- tlave your Chamber of Comnerce or Budnel Mcatr Lcaguc call e ncctiag of dl civic ounicipd rod comrncccid bod.t togahcr with progerdve individueL ald burineg 6rmr end with thir unity of coopccetio .nd .6dort ri.nt the rcrdiry public will accept and act upon the recommendationr you incorporatc into your publicity cempefun DotnclL
Aaractively illurtrated full pege ncwlp.per feeturcr havc provco to bc thc bcrt mcdinm fc thir lcL' .td rilh 6. d ttrD rated it will mean a very rmdl inveilment to erch xrpport€r comparcd rith thc rcarlte and Ldng good och e coopctrtivr tdldbs information cervice will tcpretent.
Everyone appreciater that moncy inveeted in conrtruction worl 6n& itr vey bect into r grcetcr vrrfoty of chr--rb 6.! do.. any orfier investeent end that it fu the rurert and quiclert w.y to cr"rt prdpcity end crnployncaL fhrt ir rhy dl rill lt ilt support luch a timely mov€meirt.
On the oppooite page we are feeturing a reduced full newrpapet pagc leyout and rc caa arpply lroof pqcr end netrir covering the illurtrationa for a 26 wekt' campaign at 91d).d).
Each one of there pager contairu attractive illurtrated heedingn creativc reding netcrid rnd ood:ta hooc phol rhctuo ing between "Build Now" and "Remodeling & Modernizing", r!trd we wi[ gLdly *od rmplc ptoof pr$t gr.ait fc yooa GEmittee to uce in rcliciting upport for your locel campeiga.