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'oIDo Uoa handle SISALIS,BAFT? "Yete und, uDe teeononoend, itr"

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Wood in the Home

Wood in the Home

ray mone tha" l2r(X)O dealers who are eupplying the builder with a product that hae none of the faults once coneidered inevitable in building paper. Sisalkraft does not tear, puncture, or bunch up in application. It doee not get brittle in eold weather or eticky when hoL One man can apply it..

Slealkraftos remarkable etrengh ie a result of its reenforced conetruction. CrosE€d layere of non.elaetic eisal fibres im. bedded in waterproof aephalt make it equally strong in all directione. The outer eurfaeee are of heavy kraft papero keep ing it cleqn, flexibleo and eaey to handle.

Dealere are puahing Sisalkraft beeauee with it they can guarantee airtight and waterproof protection in the building. It aleo finds hundreds of other usee in provifing protection for suppliee, finiehed materials, temporary construetion, and so on. Ve will be glad to send you a liet of the moet important oneE.

If you are not already handling Sisalkraft, aend in your liet of contractors with an initial order and we will start our eales promotion plan working for you.


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