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Philippine Lumber Inventories Now Time to Modernize Says Reduced Berkeley C. of C.
Reduction in saw-mill inventories is shown by statistics covering 43 mills of the Philippine Islands that cut over 90 per cent of the total production, ac'cording to a report from Trade Commissioner E. D. Hester at Manila to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce.
Mill inventories increased du.ring the first four months of the year, and over the corresponding months of 1929, until a peak was reached in April when inventories for the month were well over 90 per cent of the same m.onth last year. During May and June inventories were reduced, with June inventories about 50 per cent over June of last year. This reflects conditions in the Oriental lumber markets where much of the Philippine lumber is normally sold.
As stated in a previous release, the same 43 mills cut in the first six months of this year approximately 117,000,000 board feet as compared with 116,500,000 for the corresponding period. of last year. Production the first quartet of this yearwas in excess of the same period a year ago, but during the second quarter of this year there was a decline of production under last'year's second quarter.
The November issue of the "Berkeleydn", official publication of the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, contains the following paragraphs under the heading, "Business Stabilizatjon":
"At the present time many industrial organizations in Berkeley and throughout the State, in sound financial condition, are conserving their financial resources and holding cash reserves which for their own interest and the interest of the development of sound business should be put to work. Not only is this true of industry, but of retail business as well. Now is the time to modernize, not only manufacturing plants and methods, but retail stores and selling methods as well. Now is the time to prepare for the increased business that is to come.
"Adoption of this program in Berkeley will insure that Berkeley will be ready to meet more efficient and aggressive competition when greater demands arise, and the very act of putting resources effectively at work in this modernization program will stimulate better business and provide many additional jobs for those who need them."
nson-Erickson '/ San Diego Hoo Hoo Play Golf
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Jeanette Erickson and Harry V. Hanson the early part of November. Mr. Hanson, popular Los Angeles lumberman, is secretary of the California Panel & Veneer Co. Miss Erickson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erickson of Los Angeles where she has resided for several years and is a popular member of the younger set.
and Have Dinner Dance
The San Diego Hoo Hoo Club held a golf tournament and dinner dance at the La Mesa Country Club, San Diego, on Saturday, November 22. About 40 took part in tfe golf tournament, and a large gathering was present to enjoy the dinner dance which was held in the evening.
nN October rst this Company resumed the manufacture of Port Orford \-.' c.edarlumber, and its Bay Point yard will always have available for immediate shipment a complete stock of that specialtyproduct.
Our large Oregon timber holdings contain a sufficient amount of Port fford ceAat to assure our customers a continuous supply for a greatmany years to come.
Port Orford cedrr is logged by us in long lengths, enabling the production of unusual special cutting orders for which prompt delivery can be made from this yard, viaour six day steamer service from Coos Bay.
Send for our booklet of grading rules and firm prices.